Why doesn't it work?

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In the past few months, Steve and I have laid out a certain everyday routine. We're just as happy as we were before fate interfered with us. In order not to scare the others, I have only consumed the bare minimum of blood since my vampire outing. And when I consume it is mostly blood bags that I fall back on. The only fresh blood I've drank in the last few months is Steve's when we ... well when we have sex. However, because I restrain myself so much, I have not been in the best of physical shape for a long time. I could still take on anyone here, but I feel the consequences that it brings with it. I'm always kind of uncomfortable and I've had to throw up at one point or another. But if that means that I can live normally with my friends here without traumatizing them for the rest of their lives, then it's worth it to me. In the last few weeks there have been attacks all over the universe. A guy named Thanos tries to get all the infinity stones together to cut off half of all life. To counteract overpopulation. An absolutely sick plan. As luck would have it, two of the stones are in our possession. Dr. Strange has one and one is emblazoned, clearly visible, in Vision's head. This means that we have been the target of some attacks over and over again for weeks. Today we are again in the middle of a defensive maneuver to protect Vision as long as we can. After none of the aliens reacted to me as a vampire, I had hoped that it might just scare them off, I try to hold them back with various spells. Together with Wanda, I form the last wall, so to speak, before you get to Vision. So far nobody has made it past us. Although it has to be said that the rest of our team does a good job. Hardly anyone gets through to us. I was just putting a gross looking thing into a deadly slumber when a stabbing pain in my head forced me to the ground. "Amilia? Are you okay?" I hear Wanda very softly at the edge of my perception. I haven't felt this pain in ages. Not since Klaus was killed, to be honest. Panicked, I direct my thoughts to each individual in the team and panic when I can't feel Steve. Wanda still looks at me anxiously when I call Tony over the coms. "Tony? Can you locate Steve for me?" "Sure. Are you okay?" asks Tony, sounding concerned. "I ... I don't know. I can't feel him anymore and I can't access his thoughts either." I really have to pull myself together so as not to panic and cry. A few seconds later, a PING on my cell phone signals that Tony sent me the GPS data of Steve's whereabouts. "Thanks Tony" I turn to Wanda. "Can you handle here?" She nods sympathetically and I run in the direction Steve is. When I find him, he's practically unconscious and barely breathing. His face is covered in blood and bruises. "Steve!" I shout as I run towards him. But he doesn't react. Without thinking, I tear open my wrist with my fangs and press the open wound onto Steve's mouth. The vampire blood will definitely help him. But when he spits out the blood instead of drinking it, I don't know what to do anymore. Why is it not working? It usually heals wounds in seconds. Desperate, I pull him into my lap and start crying. "No Steve! Please, I can't lose you again," I sob as I press my face to his. "People, I need your help. Please, can someone hear me" I stutter desperately over coms, but apart from a crackling noise, I can't hear anything. "Steve! Amilia! What happened?" A little later I hear Bucky calling. Apparently my call for help has arrived. He kneels down to us and looks at Steve's injuries. "I ... I don't know Bucky! Please help him. My blood is not working, it is not healing him" I burst into tears again. I don't know when I last felt so helpless. "I'll bring him back to the base. Bruce and the others are already on their way there," says Pietro, who has apparently also joined us in the meantime. I'm so off track that I wouldn't even notice if my hair was set on fire. Reluctantly I let Bucky and Pietro lift Steve up and Pietro disappeared with him seconds later. What if I really lose him this time? What if I just saw him for the last time? While I'm still crying, Bucky pulls me close and holds me in his arms. As he tries to calm me down, the images of the past reappear in my mind's eye. I can not do this. If I really lose him this time, I don't know if I'm strong enough to survive.

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