Fuck! I forgot about Peter.

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The next morning I slowly open my eyes and see that Steve is already looking at me. "That's what I've always dreamed of all these years," he says while he wraps his arms around me and pulls me closer to him. I nod in agreement as I snuggle up to him. I just want to close my eyes again when my gaze stops on my alarm clock. Fuck! It's already ten minutes to eight. I quickly jump out of bed and start getting dressed. Steve looks at me partly confused and partly amused. I almost completely forgot that Peter stopped by my room last night to tell me how cool it is that I'm back. I agreed on a whim to take him to school today. "I promised Peter yesterday that I would take him to school today. And if I don't hurry now, he'll be late because of me." I'm almost out the door when Steve stops me. Still lying in bed, he asks me to go on a real date with him tonight. Still facing the door, I stop and a big smile spreads on my face. Instead of answering, I turn around, walk up to him and press him a gentle kiss on the lips. I feel his lips twist into a smile beneath mine. With that I leave him in my bed and hurry to the kitchen, where Peter is already waiting for me. "There you are. Come on, we have to go, otherwise I'll be late." "Don't stress Spidey-Boy. You won't be late." I hook my arm on him and together we make our way to Peter's school. I notice how he keeps looking at me furtively. As if he wanted to say something, but didn't dare. "What's the matter, Peter?" I'll ask him at some point. "So you and Steve ..... are you back together now?" Good question. Are we together again? "To be honest, we haven't talked about it yet." But I guess we'll do that tonight. "You should be together. You'd be such a sweet couple. And I've never seen him as sad as in the days when you were gone." Even if that was definitely not Peter's intention, this remark gives me a pang. "I'm sorry I let you go through this." For a moment there is silence between us. "You know, Steve asked me if I would go on a date with him tonight." Peter stops for a moment and looks at me with a look that radiates pure joy. "Really? That's so damn cool. And what did you say?" "I said yes" I almost laugh at Peter's reaction. He's as cute as he's almost more excited than me. "I don't know if Steve and me can be like it was back in the 40s, but I really hope we have a second chance." "You definitely have to tell me afterwards how it was. Pinky swear?" Waiting, he holds out his little finger to me. Laughing, I hook my little finger with his. "I promise, I'll tell you about it." A few minutes later we are in front of the school - a large red-brown brick building. It almost looks like a church. Unexpectedly, Peter pulls me into a hug and smiles at me. "I really hope you two can do it. Thanks again for accompanying me here. I have to go in now, see you later." "Have fun Peter" I call after him when he has already disappeared into the crowd of other students. On the way home I got an idea. Back in the 40s, I made breakfast a couple of times for Bucky, Steve, and me. When I remember how happy they were each time, I feel that warm, satisfied feeling inside me again. I decide to make a detour to the supermarket and surprise my new family with breakfast.

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