Memories of Steve

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"Finally, Trouble. We're late because of you," Bucky greets me when I arrive at our agreed meeting point. "Sorry Bucky, but I had to wait for mom to come home from work to check on my siblings and she had to work a little longer today." "It's okay, but let's go now. Steve will be waiting for us." Together we make our way to the Stark Expo. Bucky is so excited - he loves to deal with technology and everything that could be in the future. I am not that enthusiastic about it. But Bucky asked me to come along because he really wanted to introduce me to his best friend Steve. "What's this Steve like?" I ask him. I've tried several times in the last few days to get information from him about his best friend, but, for whatever reason, he's holding back. "All you need to know, Trouble, is that he's one of the best people this world has to offer." This is exactly the answer I've been getting for days. We enter the expo area and it doesn't take long until Bucky single-mindedly approaches a sluggish, shy-looking young man. "Hey Steve" Bucky walks up to him and the two give each other a friendly hug. I deliberately stay a bit behind Bucky, I'm not that good at meeting new people. I guess I'm as shy as Steve looks. Bucky turns to me and signals to me to come closer. "Amilia, this is Steve. Steve, this is Amilia" he introduces us to each other. We shyly look at each other before saying hi at the same time. "Ok you two, can I leave you here for a moment? I'll pick Christina up at the entrance and then come back to you." Christina is Bucky's current flirt. Bucky leaves me alone? But I don't even know Steve yet. What should we talk about? Typical Bucky, we could have just picked up Christina on the way here. Bucky doesn't even wait for our reactions, he just leaves us to our fate. "How do you know Bucky?" Steve asks me after a few silent minutes. "Oh .. um .. we're neighbors. We've known each other all our lives. And how do you know Bucky?" "We know each other from school." As soon as this has been discussed, we fall into silence again. Come on, Amilia, don't pretend like that. Ask him anything about him. Easier said than done. I'm trying to look at my watch unobtrusively - where the hell is Bucky? God, is that uncomfortable. As I try to get myself to start a conversation, I watch Steve. He's the exact opposite of Bucky. He is much smaller and thinner. He looks so innocent and somehow cute, the way he stands with his hands in his pockets and only looks at me indirectly. With him, this shyness is more attractive than repulsive. I don't even know men like that. Both my brother and Bucky are far from shy. While we are standing there, my gaze falls on a candy stand, especially at the large display full of roasted almonds. Steve seems to notice my gaze and then does something unexpected. He walks over to the booth and comes back to me with a large bag of roasted almonds and holds it out to me. Did he buy it for me? "Looked like you would like some," he says and is still very shy about it. "Thank you" I say and give him a big smile. I don't know why, but I lean over and kiss him on the cheek. That's so sweet of him. I open the bag and eat a couple of almonds. I hold the bag out to Steve and he takes a few too. "I knew that you both get along well," says Bucky, who suddenly appeared behind us, he is holding Christina in his arms. "Come on you two, let's go in before we miss the show."

I'm visiting the army base. It's the day before Steve is supposed to receive the Super Soldier Serum. We have become almost inseparable in the last few weeks. Together with Bucky we are an inseparable team. It's already dark outside when Steve and I sit together in a meadow. "Are you really sure you want to do this tomorrow?" I ask him. I am a little bit nervous. What if the serum changes him? What if he's not my Steve anymore? I haven't told anyone before, not even Bucky, but I've fallen in love with Steve over the past few weeks and months. He is always so respectful, kind and caring. He's funny, he's great to talk to and he's the bravest man I know. I love him the way he is. I don't care if he's shorter than all the other soldiers here. What he lacks in physical size he makes up for with intelligence and heart. I'm afraid that the serum will change it. That his being may change. "I'm sure Amilia. Admittedly, I'm nervous but I know it's the right thing to do," says Steve, looking confidently into my eyes. With the thumb of his right hand he wipes a tear from my cheek that I hadn't even noticed. "What if it goes wrong? What if you are completely different afterwards?" "Don't worry about me. It'll be fine. I'll stay exactly who I am. I'll just look a little different," he tries to loosen up the mood and I actually have to laugh for a moment. "You don't have to change because of me. I like you for who you are. I ... I ..." but before I can say it, Steve's lips are on mine. It's an innocent, tender, and loving kiss. It only lasts seconds but it feels like forever. A wonderful eternity. As we break away from each other we look at each other, both surprised. "I love you" we say at the same time.

It has been a few weeks since Steve received the serum. He's been so busy since then that I haven't seen him again. I am sad about it and feel validated that the serum took my Steve away from me. We keep in touch through letters, but I miss him more every day. Bucky is also no support for me because he was drafted and is currently at war. One day I was sitting on the porch and reading when someone spoke to me from the side. "Good afternoon ma'am." I look up and immediately run towards the man and throw myself into his outstretched arms. Steve! "I've missed you so much," I say while burying my face in his neck. "I missed you too, Love." When I break out of his embrace, he holds out a beautiful bouquet of flowers to me. White and pink lilies - my favorite flowers. I take the bouquet and inhale its scent. Only now do I really look at Steve. Oh my God. Steve is huge, he should be even bigger than Bucky by now. His body consists almost entirely of hard, defined muscles that can be clearly seen under his shirt. Although he looks damn good, it makes me sad that his body is no longer what it used to be. But when I look into his face the feeling passes. There he is, my Steve. The same restrained sweet smile and the same bright eyes. "You ... you are so big all of a sudden" is all I can say. Laughing, he pulls me back to him and looks deep into my eyes before he lifts my chin with his finger and kisses me, just as tenderly and lovingly as the first time we kissed.

Hidden Memories - A Steve Rogers LovestoryTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon