Meet the Avengers

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I spent the whole night strengthening myself and arming myself for what awaits me today. I have just come out of the shower and am no longer sure whether it was the right decision to accept Fury's offer. Like every day, I style myself extensively. It may sound conceited, but I don't really need any make-up. But sometimes the makeup makes me feel like I'm putting on some kind of mask that keeps the truth away from others. After I've finished my make-up, I get dressed. Tight black jeans, burgundy tank top and my beloved black leather jacket. Plus high-heeled black biker boots and my outfit is perfect. I look damn good. I pack a small bag with the essentials. Everything else I need in the course of time I will simply buy with my new credit card. Fury was so kind as to send me another car, just like yesterday. "Where to Miss?" asks the driver through the small window that separates the driver from the passengers. "To the Avengers headquarters, please," I say and give him the exact address. When I arrive at the headquarters, it is already half past twelve. I have no idea when exactly Fury announced me, but Nick knows that I'm not exactly a punctual person. Contrary to what I expected, I am not greeted. I can just walk through the front door without anyone stopping me. I stroll through the hallways and look around. Even if my own apartment is already luxurious, my new place of residence really blows my mind. I hear angry voices on the floor above. Curious as I am, I'll go upstairs to see what's going on. I walk towards the only room where the door is open. "Tony, that's just a waste of time. We don't need any new members," I hear a heated voice say. I see that as my cue. I casually come through the door and say, "Well, Fury sees it differently. He thinks you definitely need fresh blood." I lean against the door frame while everyone in the room stared at me. "Oh, I just let myself in. The door was open. Big security hole if you ask me." Still no one makes a move to say anything. "Well, now that that's settled. I'm Amilia but you should already know that, after all, Fury wanted to announce me. Would any of you be so kind as to show me my room? I really need to rest and relax." Everyone is still just staring at me. I inspect the people, my new roommates as well. "That could be really fun in the end" i think while i look at every single guy very carefully. I grin in amusement when one of them starts moving and introduces himself to me. A tall brunette man with a sly smile. "Nice to meet you Amilia. I'm Bucky." Apparently he broke the ice. Although I don't feel like doing it, everyone introduces themselves to me. Wanda, Clint, Thor, Loki, Bruce, Nat, Steve and of course the famous Tony Stark. "Funny, I can't remember asking for your name. Would someone show me my room now?" "Come with me Amilia, I'll show you your domicile" says Nat and walks past me out of the room. "Thanks Nat" I say as I follow her "are they always like that? Nat laughs, "female team members tend to be the exception here. You might want to get an umbrella to protect yourself from all the drool." "That might be a good idea," I say, joining in with her laugh. In the meantime we have gone up one more floor. Apparently the floor where all the bedrooms are. At the end of the hall, Nat opens a door. In front of me I see a room that is completely decorated in brown and cream tones. To the left of the bed, the whole wall consists of a window front that leads out onto a balcony. To the right of the door is another door that leads to a bathroom. This is kept completely dark. I immediately see that the shower has both a steam bath and a sauna function. "I'll let you arrive then. If you need something, my room is the next door on the left. If I'm not in the room, you will usually always find someone in the kitchen or in the living room," Nat tears me from my astonishment. She gives me another quick nod and walks out of the room, closing the door behind her. I unpack my bag and think about what to do now. I will give Fury a brief notice of my arrival. I don't really feel like spending time with the others. So I decide to pay a visit to the steam room in my shower. When I'm done I feel absolutely relaxed. I go naked from the bathroom into my room and get something to wear from the dresser. I love to be naked and I am absolutely not bothered when someone sees me like that. I put on gray hot pants and a matching top. Then I lie down on the bed and sap through the TV channels, bored. At some point my room door opens a crack but I don't see anyone come in. Until I look at the floor I can hardly believe what I see in front of me. A small tree looks at me with big eyes. "What are you?" I ask and lean over the edge of the bed to him. "I am groot" he says as if that explains everything. So fast that I hardly notice it, he climbed the covers on my bed and stares at me. "Hey groot" I greet the little guy. As unusual as he is, he is so cute. "I am groot" he says again and I can hear him thinking that he would like to see a movie. Waiting for answers or reactions doesn't seem to be his thing. He climbs on the tower made of pillows and makes himself comfortable on it. I sigh. "Well, you can stay here. But only because I don't feel like bringing you back to the others." I switch from normal TV programming to Netflix and stop at Jurassic Park. I look at Groot and wait for his approval. He nods briefly and snuggles deeper into the pillows. I start the movie. That's how we spend the entire day, watching every part of the Jurassic Park series. However, I keep getting distracted by thoughts. I find it fascinating how relaxed Groot is around me. Usually, children and animals in particular are anxious and reserved around me. As if they know what I am. But there is no trace of fear at Groot. Sometime around ten o'clock in the evening I notice that my little buddy fell asleep. I hate to admit that, but he looks so cute that I just can't wake him up. "Then sleep well, little one," I say quietly as I curl up on the other side of the bed to sleep.

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