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"Ok, so we're looking for outfits for a party tonight. What's the occasion?" I ask Wand as we sit in the car. Nat drives, Wanda sits in the passenger seat and I sit on the back seat in the middle so I can stretch my head forward. "This is the annual historic dance today. Tony hosts it every year. We just have to find the perfect dresses." A historic dance evening - that sounds interesting. In contrast to the other two, I went to such events when they weren't historic. So I'm the perfect shopping companion. When we arrived in the city center, we rummaged through various shops without success. We are about to leave again when I discover a shop called "Historical Life". "Look, girls. We should have a look in there." Inside the store, I'm sure we'll find something suitable here. There are different compartments that are titled with different years. From 1920-1950 you can find everything. "Oh my God Amilia. I knew it was a good idea to take you shopping with us," enthuses Wanda as she rummages through the clothes. After a while, each of us disappears into the changing rooms with a pile of dresses. At the same time we step out of the changing rooms, but the first few dresses are just not the right thing. When we have all arrived at our last election, we step out of the changing rooms one last time. "Oh my god" we all say at the same time. That's them. The perfect dresses for tonight. Wanda wears a dress made of dark green velvet with light green ornaments that is laced in the middle with a corsage. Nat's dress looks almost exactly the same, only it's dark and bright red, without a corset and with puff sleeves. Mine is purple with, the skirt is simple cotton and covered with a layer of tulle. The top consists of a corset and long sleeves. "We look hot," says Nat as the three of us look at each other in the mirror at the same time. We put on our normal clothes again and go to the cash register to pay. Then we put our bags in the car and sit down in a nearby café to have something to eat. When the waitress comes to our table, we order - I have a coke and a large portion of french fries. "These dresses are fantastic. Tonight is sure to be unforgettable," says Wanda between bites of her sandwich. "Absolutely. I've been looking forward to tonight all week," Nat agrees. "I'm really just interested in seeing what the guys will be wearing. It'll be a nice change to see them in something other than sportswear," I say, wiggling my eyebrows meaningfully and taking a sip of Coke. Apparently the two haven't even thought about it. But now they nod in agreement and laugh. Oh, I would like to know what the two of them are thinking about right now. Sure, I could read their minds, but I have a golden rule that I never break - never read the minds of people I deal with continuously without their permission. And since none of them know what I am, I can hardly ask them if it would be okay for them if I read their minds. It is already afternoon when we make our way back to the headquarters. Giggling, we go inside with our bags. As soon as we have entered the main hall, Steve runs into us. "Shopping tour ended successfully?" he asks, amused when he sees our many bags. "Oh yes," says Nat and looks at Wanda and me conspiratorially. Steve tries to take a look in our pockets but we pull them away from him in time. "Well, sorry, captain, but you'll have to be patient until tonight. But I'll tell you that much - it's going to be hot," I say before the three of us make our way to our rooms to get ready for the evening.

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