Chapter 37: Fleeting

Start from the beginning

We engaged in idle chatter along the way, Naruto stealing a few Taiyaki from my basket.

It was the very essence of spring. My favorite season, with my favorite person.

We stopped by a large tree, over looking a small cliff. Below we could see our friends, setting up blankets and food.

I gasped, " There they are" I said in awe.

" Shh, they'll hear us were not done yet."

I looked at him, confused, especially when he turned his back to me and gestured for me to climb on.

I complied and was even more surprised when he began to climb up the tree.

" Are you crazy, I'm too heavy you're gonna hurt yourself" I whispered.

" I'm fine, you're not even heavy" he said as he climbed. " Trust me you need to see this."

We finally reached a large branch and carefully maneuvered so we could sit on it comfortably.

Now I could see why he wanted us to come up here.

The view was breath-taking. The clusters of trees in the distance, with the city just peaking out, the bright blue sky with it's beautiful assortments of clouds.

I was mesmerized.

Naruto laughed at my shocked face. " You see getting lost has its perks."

" You always find the most beautiful places. I'll have to get lost too." I said smiling at him.

He draped an arm around me and pulled me closer to him.

" I want the last time we were here to be like a bad dream. I've hurt you a lot Hinata, but I really want to show you I can do better. I want to become a man that will preserve your smile, that you can trust, I don't ever want you to feel betrayed or used ever again" he said.

My mind instantly took me to my past, Kiba, my father. So many times I let my guard down only to be hurt in the long run. It was like he said, I was even left burnt by our previous relationship.

" You're like me, in that you don't give trust out easily, but I promise you I will prove to you how much I really do love you" Naruto said.

You'd think I'd learn from now, not to take anyone's words at face value, to be on my guard at all times, yet when I looked into the blueness of his eyes, suddenly falling didn't seem that scary.

The fluttering in my chest and pure adoration I felt when I looked at him made me want to take this risk.

Call me stupid, but this warmth felt too comfortable to be vindictive and to beautiful to be deceiving. Naruto had entered my life as my guardian angel, a position I once thought Kiba held, but this was different. Instead of me chasing him, he promised to chase me.

Rather me pining for his affection and love it came so naturally, no empty promises, no unread messages. We were addicted to each other and unlike the conditional, occasional, text book professions of love I experienced from Kiba and even my father at times, it felt real. No gnawing at my heart strings, no questioning myself.

He loved me and I felt it and just in case I wasn't sure of it, he was determined to show me.

" I've said it before and I'll say it again you are one of the best things to have ever came into my life" he said bashfully.

I smiled brightly at him.

" Well...say something" he pulled at his collar, " It's embarrassing just with you staring at me like that."

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