Chapter: 15 Guilt

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I rolled my sore shoulders as I carefully walked up the stairs to Shikamaru's house. He had asked me to deliver some planks of wood to him and I was a bit too eager to do so. I had been seeing a lot of him lately, it was my third time this week. That along with the extra shifts I took at the hospital, I wasn't at home too often.

I balanced the wooden planks in one arm and lightly knocked at the front door.

Shikamaru was quick to open the door thank god.

" Yo" I said with a smile.

" Come on in I'll hold the door" he said. As I entered I to noticed that his house was still a work in progress. Paint swatches were all over the walls and dust and old wood claim the rest of the house.

" Not much progress huh?" I said, my eyes wandering,

" Nah still have a few more months not quite ready for me to move into yet, but upstairs is done wanna see?" Shikamaru responded.

I placed the wooden planks down by the stairs and followed him upstairs with a nod.

Shikamaru was inspirational, the drive and passion he had about each project was moving especially the hard work and dedication he put into each one.

Talk about drive.

I was also envious of him. He had a dream, something he wanted to do and get better at, while I seemed to be floating along In deferred dreamland.

I wonder how long it had been since I had to stop dreaming.

I was so lost in admiring the freshly furnished upstairs I hadn't realized he had led me into a room.

Inside, two chairs, a take out and cooler with drinks were stationed.

I turned to him with an raise eyebrow " And what is this?"

" A thank you for your help" Shikamaru said taking a seat. " Ramen? you like that stuff right?"

" Say no more" I said practically tearing the bag open.

I sat next to him and went to town on my meal. Something was off though, it wasn't like Shikamaru to do something like this.

" You know you already paid me right?" I said wiping my face with a napkin.

Shikamaru leaned back in his seat. " Yep" he said.

" So I don't get it? You already thanked me."

" Whelp" Shikamaru said with a stretch " I also kind of wanted to talk to you as well."

Now he had my attention. I lowered my bowl and looked at him with concern.

Now talking one on one like this definitely wasn't Shikamaru. Something was really bothering him.

" You okay dude? This is so not like you" I said.

" Its you who hasn't been them self lately" he replied.

I swallowed hard, feeling that pain I've been trying to push back creeping in again. So he had noticed. I was dumb to think he wouldn't see past my mask, we were friends for so long.

Still I pushed him away.

I stood up. " Thanks for the food, but I should go."

" Naruto I'm your friend damn it. I know we don't see eye to eye sometimes, but you can still talk to me. Why do I have to hear from other people what's going on with you?"

His choice in words made me pause.

" Sakura told you about what happened between us didn't she ?"

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