You, Me & 'Charlie' - chapter 29

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I can’t deal with this, I think.

I take a deep breath, and walk downstairs. The twins were still up, watching Ben 10 or whatever on the TV. I made my way to the kitchen. I stopped at the door; I could hear my parents talking.

“What if she doesn’t make it through Richard? What will happen then? Tabby will literally break down.”

“You heard the doctors; she has more chance of living than dying.” I heard my dad say.

“But Tabby is our only daughter, it will break her, and Paloma too. I know she doesn’t act like she cares, but she does really, all of them do.”

My dad sighed. “She’ll be fine. Let’s just let the hospital help her, and we’ll do whatever we can for Caroline.”

I walked in then, not wanting to listen in anymore. My parents turned to me and gave wry smiles. They both looked as tired as I felt.

I just looked at them, not giving anything away.

“Tabby, I know you were listening in.” my dad said, smiling a little.

I smile back. “Yeah, well, you were talking quite loud. And I know Bree’ll be okay, she’s a fighter.” I answer.

My dad laughs. “Yeah, I know, but just in case…” He begins carefully.

“Dad, can we just forget about this, just for a while?” I ask. “I’m really tired and hungry.”

He nods knowingly. “Of course.” He says.

My mum gets to work, cooking me some bacon and eggs. I eat it slowly, pondering on what to do about tomorrow.

“So, are you going in tomorrow?” my dad asked, reading my mind.

I nod immediately. “I promised Paloma.” I said simply.

“Y’know Tabby, you don’t have to go in.” my mum said, taking my plate and putting it in the sink.

“No, I want to. I want to act normally, for my own sake as well as Bree’s.” I reply honestly.

My parents give each other ‘the look’, but seem to let me be. I finish dinner and head straight to bed.

I lay in the dark for what seems like hours. I look over at my picture wall above my desk. I look at the pictures of Bree, and feel a knot form in the pit of my stomach.

I don’t cry though. I only cried when I found her due to shock and fear, not because I was sad. My heart beats fast when I think of her, wired up to her hospital bed, comatose.

I close my eyes, wishing to be a million miles away, hoping that when I wake up, everything will be alright.

Even I know that’s asking a hell of a lot.


I wake up and lay in my bed groggily. Yesterday is still freshly imprinted in my mind and I can’t help but feel nervous about school.

I get up, dress and slide my bag off the back of the door. I pack little, due to the fact it’s finally the last day of the winter term.

Elliot watches me as I amble around the room.

It feels strange, knowing that I won’t be going back to school for a couple of weeks. In normal circumstances, I would be as happy as Larry about today, but Bree’s condition is like a black cloud hanging over my festive spirit.

I pad downstairs; surprised at the fact that Elliot isn’t following me. My dad is already up and sitting in the kitchen, drinking coffee. My mum was with the twins, fixing cereal and toast.

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⏰ Poslední aktualizace: Jan 25, 2013 ⏰

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