Chapter 61: A Kiss From a Rose

Start from the beginning

Yamaguchi stopped recording and looked at his best friend.  "What do you think, Tsukki?  Should we tell Naka-chan?"

"No way, Tadashi.  I'm not even sure I believe them.  But, just in case, let's pay attention.  Not that they've given us a whole lot to go on."

Tadashi nodded as their strawberry blonde coach came back into the classroom, making her way over to the boys.  "Hey!" she greeted them cheerfully, until she saw the look on her blonde boyfriend's face.  "Uh-oh, what's happened?  Tsukki, is everything alright?"

The tall blonde put his arm around his girlfriend, schooling his features to their more usual expression and trying to softly convince Nakano that nothing at all was wrong, which was no easy feat as the girl was clearly having none of it.  Yamaguchi chuckled at the couple as they bantered with one another, each one trying to keep the other one from getting upset.  He had a feeling Nakano would get her way in the end, and Tsukki would end up telling her what had just happened with Kubota and Wakabayashi.  They were clearly going to need some expert help on this, and Yamaguchi knew exactly who to text.

Sugawara was sitting quietly, waiting for class to resume, when his phone buzzed in his pocket.  Sensei had still not returned from lunch, so the silver-haired boy hazarded a quick look.  Seeing Yamaguchi's contact pop up, he immediately opened the text.  If something was bothering one of his first years, Suga was not about to wait to find out what it was.

His eyes widened, then narrowed, as he read Yamaguchi's message.  Daichi sat right behind him; he turned quickly to show his captain his phone.  "I might be a little late getting to practice today, Daichi," he said, "I want to jump on this right away."

Daichi read the text, a frown coming over his face.  He then looked at his vice, and chuckled.  "You just can't wait to slip into the seedy world of high school gossip again," he quipped.

"Daichi, you know better than that.  You know how much I loathe the rumor mill.  But I won't let my first years deal with something like this without guidance from their senpai."

"Your noble self-sacrifice will not go unrewarded, I'm sure," Daichi replied, his voice dripping with sarcasm.  Suga pocketed his phone and turned around as their sensei returned.  "Try not to be too long," the captain whispered.

Suga nodded, already beginning to plan out just who he needed to talk to to get to the bottom of this one quickly.  He'd gotten his initial plan settled in his head, and was finally turning his full attention to the lesson, when he felt something brush against his right leg.  He dropped his right hand, grabbing the note from Daichi easily.  They'd done this plenty of times before. 

When sensei turned around, Suga brought the note from his captain up on to his desk.

'Just let me know what I can do,' it read.

Suga smiled.  Whatever else might happen, Daichi would always have his back.


The first odd occurrence happened later that day, and went pretty much unnoticed.  Kageyama got to the club room to get ready for practice, and reached into his bag to pull out the workout clothes he brought with him to exchange for the ones he currently had in the club room - they really needed to be washed.  Hinata had been bugging him about it for the last three practices, and now, even his nose had noticed that his gym things were a little past their prime.

The setter found the shorts, but somehow, he couldn't find his tee shirt.  He'd put them both in the bag at the same time...hadn't he?

Maybe I left it on my bed by accident, the dark-haired boy thought.  Oh well, I guess one more day in this tee shirt won't kill me.  And Kageyama promptly forgot all about it.

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