"What are you doing here?" I asked as calmly as I could. He sat back down and released a breath.

I walked over to Dante and sat down on the couch while he still stood there aiming his gun. I glanced at the other three men, and they were all clenching their jaw and while glaring at Dante and me.

I wonder why they didn't do anything. And I'm pretty sure that they're all armed.

"I'm hurt that you don't remember me, Eli." the older man said and my eyes grew slightly wide when hearing the name he called me.

I haven't heard it since I was thirteen. And there was only a handful of people who called me by that name. I looked at him again, finally recognizing him.

It's Angela's father, Antonio Santiago. Also the former leader of the Spanish mafia until his oldest son took over, years ago.

I haven't seen him much since that unfaithful Night. He looked a bit different now, that's why I couldn't recognize him immediately. His hair was starting to grey and his face features were much older now. He had bags under his tired eyes, probably from not getting enough sleep and working to much.

He has always been like a father to me. I glanced at the others, they must be his sons. They have matured a lot over the years, that I barely recognized them either.

Mason, Angelo and Theo. Yep I remember their names,it's their faces that I forgot.

"Long time no see, Mr Santiago," I said and leaned back in my chair, "to what do I owe the pleasure of meeting you today."

He kept the same glare on his face, "Where's my daughter?" he asked but it was more if a demand.

Of course he was looking for his daughter, it's not like I  kidnapped her or anything. I wanted to face-palm myself. He would definitely kill me if he found out about his daughter being kidnapped from me after I kidnapped her in the first place.

My face stayed emotionless. "She's fine."I said, "She's sleeping."

"You might aswell stop lying and tell us the truth."One of the older guys, Mason, said this time and I looked at him. He had a challenging look on his face."Where is she, Eli?"

I didn't say anything, and Dante sat down still keeping and eye on each of them.

"The Russians have her."Dante said and I snapped my head towards him. What the hell is he doing!

Dante looked at me, probably feeling the daggers I'm throwing towards him. He took a deep breath before facing away from me again.

" Excuse me?! Did I hear correctly or did you say that the Russians have her." Antonio said. "The f*cking Russians!"

"She was taken three days ago, and we've been working on a plan to get her back." Dante said.

"My sister got kidnapped again!" Mason shouted and got up from the couch. "I thought she would at least be safe with you but I was wrong!"

I felt a pang in my chest at his words. It's true, I thought she was safe with me aswell.

He started pacing around the room with his hands in his hair. "My baby girl." Antonio whispered to himself. "She wouldn't know what to do, this is all still knew to her."

I figured. She was kept inside a mansion for as long as she could remember. Practically held captive.

"Do you have a plan?" Angelo asked.

I looked at him and sighed, "I have a plan but it isn't full prove yet. I am in need of more weapons." I said.

It was silent for awhile before Antonio got up, "I'll make a few calls and you'll have enough weapons to take them down." he said, "Come on boys, we're leaving."

Mason stopped pacing and looked at his father. "No, we're going to help him find her, and bring her back. I'm not leaving until I have my baby sister safe and sound."

Antonio sighed and rubbed his forehead. "Fine, but I won't be able to join, someone has to take care of our mafia and businesses back home." he said and walked towards the door. "I'll send the weapons and more men."

He left and I heard one of the cars sped off.

The three brothers looked at me as I got up and cleared my throat. "I don't need you help, I'll get her back on my own." I said and turned to leave but Dante stopped me.

"Elijah, come on. We need help."he said and I turned around facing him. "And with their help, we could get her back quicker."

I looked back at the brothers. They were looking at me with hatered flaring through their eyes. I ran my hand through my hair, frustrated.

"Fine." I said and turned around to leave again. "You guys can stay here until we have everything figured out." I addressed them. I left the room before any of them could reply.

I needed a drink.

Walking upstairs and going to my room, the same room in which she was sleeping in. I walked into my closet, ignoring all her clothes that were neatly folded and hanged,and walked to where all my dress shirts were hanging.

I moved the shirts to the side, and moved the hardwood plank at the back of the closet to reveal a small hidden cupboard. Inside was a box with some  things that was very important to me. I slowly  took out the small bracelet, that was almost falling apart.

I closed the everything and walked out of the closet, and towards the bed. I sat down on the edge of the bed, while gazing down at the delicate bracelet. Something so small, held so much value. At least it did to me.

My fingers ran over the two letters 'E' and 'A',with a small pink heart in between the letters. I smiled at the memory of receiving this bracelet. I wish things would of happened differently.

I miss her. I miss us.

Placing the bracelet in a small box inside the bedside table drawer, I got off the bed and left the room. I wasn't going to sit here and waste more time. I have to get her back.


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