" Of course Amar " he responded with a gentle smile " I'll be there" I smiled and waited till the waiter had dropped our food and left before speaking again " ok then Tyrion, ah..."


" Come on Tyrion, open your mouth" I said stretching my hands forward, trying to balance the wobbly piece of cake. " Amar...." He started, his cheeks beginning to colour again " are you serious?" I said nothing and only moved my hand, he sighed before complying and leaning forward " there, how is it" I asked as Tyrion finished chewing " great Amar, it tasted great".

I smiled before noticing a small sprinkle of crumbs across his lower lip " umm, Prince Tyrion, you- " Naerys tried to point out but I winked at him to keep silent. And then I stretched my entire upper body and motioned Tyrion closer to me

" you have something, right....-"

I quickly swooped down and licked the delicious crumbs off his lip " here". I moved back to my seat satisfied as Tyrion sat frozen in shock. The murmurs of the rest of the students around us broke him out of his shock and he quickly placed his hands across his head using his sleeves to block his face.

I laughed and was about to continue eating when I felt a light tug on my sleeves, I turned to face Naerys curiously " is there something you want Naerys, perhaps... do you also want me to?" I didn't even finish my statement before Naerys exploded into a tomato " No-no Amar, I just wanted you to have some of my salad, prince Tyrion was right eating only sweets can't be healthy".

I smirked and leaned forward " ok then Naerys, ahh~..." He looked at me dumbfounded " Amar?" " You have to feed it to me Naerys or else I won't have any, so ahh....." Naerys blushed but slowly brought his spoon closer to my open mouth, once he was within reach, I hurriedly closed around the spoon, managing to swipe his thumb with my tongue before retreating
"... delicious~" I sighed as I stared at him.

Naerys said nothing and just his his face behind his sleeves to try and regain his composure. I laughed at his and Tyrion's similar actions and went back to eating. The atmosphere around our table was happy and harmonious, but of course that couldn't last forever as the two people I didn't want to see the most somehow appeared at my table at the same time.

" This is quite presumptuous of you sister, to think you would bestow our family's crest onto two males who haven't even been promised to you yet , don't you think you're being a little too forward?"

I heaved a sigh before replying " don't you have anything better to do Collette?"

"It's none of your business who and at what time I choose to give the future members of my harem our family crest, if you're capable enough there's no one stopping you from doing the same. Don't bother me, I'm trying to have a peaceful lunch"

Collette snickered before raking her eyes over Naerys's petite form " well unlike you sister, I don't just accept anyone who comes crawling over to me, I have higher standards than that". I bared my fangs at her and hissed in anger, she did not just insult Naerys in front of me! I could already feel my eyes clouding over anod my nails elongating when a slight tug on my sleeves distracted me.

Naerys slowly shook his head and I felt all the anger seep out of me. Collette rolled her eyes and walked away leaving Lilliane who was standing opposite her to speak up

" the key word there is future dear sister, how can you be so sure these two will even want to be in your harem a few months from now?"

"Is there something you're trying to say?" I asked in a low voice, daring her to say something anything that would justify me hitting her." Nothing dear sister, it was just a simple question, now seeing s I also need to have some lunch, I'll be taking my leave now"

I watched as she sauntered away, defeat and shame seeping into every pore in my body " I'm so sorry Naerys" What did I have to do to get these people to respect Naerys?, Was he always going to be looked down upon like this forever? Was there really nothing I could do to change that?

Naerys turned my face towards his and smiled at me " It's ok Amar, I don't mind it, and I've said this before. All that matters is how you think of me, so... don't worry about it." "He's right amaryllis" Tyrion added, reaching over to lightly caress the back of my hands " you really shouldn't worry about things like this" I sighed and sent them both a grateful smile " I know, I really shouldn't let their attitude bother me, it's just...."

This reminded me of all the times my dad had been mocked by his past associates for choosing me rather than trying for a boy. I was far too little to do anything then, but I definitely wouldn't let such things repeat themselves.

" Amar?" I slowly shook my head and gave them another smile " I'm fine now, let's eat before your food gets cold." We quickly finished our lunch and I decided to take them both to the central region so we could spend some more time together.

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