• Chapter 1 •

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IRELAND July 24th, 2019

10:22 am

Following the reports of a massive fray    between the police department and the biggest syndicate of Armed dealers, several dozen casualties have come to light. The identities of the victims have been kept secret due to confidentiality agreements and their bodies will be directly handed over to their families at the earliest.

If the sources are to be believed, the government is cogitating over to give reassurance money to the family and dependents of the deceased. The Mayor of the city expressed his deep condolences to the deceased and their families. Further details have not been disclosed by the police under the policies of the department but we assure you that the culprits will be apprehended and will get what they deserve. 

Shouts Cries and loud gunshots were all Y/N could hear all over the city. She covered her ears with both of her palms, closing her eyes in fear. The fear of losing her life was evident but what made her more furious was the fact that her boyfriend was there in the middle of all of this. Stuck in the city.

Jung Hoseok, her Boyfriend cum Fiancé went out that morning for his usual Job but when a sudden but major clash between the police force and the biggest Mafia syndicate broke down, he couldn’t return. 

She hoped for his safety. Praying for him to get back to the warmth of her arms unharmed. She waited, waited for 4 hours for him to return but he never did. The only thing that came to her was the news of his demise. 

She broke down, shattered in front of the officer who came to inform her about his lover’s last information.

Hoseok’s brother, Jung Woobin, ducked down to her level and wrapped an arm around her shaking figure. The news traumatized him too but he knew he had to be strong for her. For his brother’s sake and so he did. He took care of her, and became her pillar for support in tough times.

Both of them returned to their hometown, Seoul after they lost everything in Ireland. Walking back to Hoseok’s paternal house, she could not get back on her feet. Every single thing reminded her of him. Every frame, every corner of the house, furniture around the house had his smell. He was everywhere. She could not stop herself from shedding millions of tears every time she'd be alone. 

Most of the nights remained painful. She'd cry herself to sleep every other night. It was horrible. Woobin wanted to help her in any way he could but she barely let anyone in. He was helpless.

They started a new life in Seoul. Woobin started working at a local café around the uptown streets making decent money to help them survive. 

A friend of Woobin suggested that he take her to the rehabilitation centre. It sounded helpful so he practically forced her out of her bedroom and her misery to take her to the centre.

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