• Chapter 22 •

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It was the next day at college. After Taehyung left, Woobin came back and you both talked to each other. You told him about everything that happened between you and Taehyung and to say he was excited would be belittling him. He was as ecstatic as if Taehyung asked him out on a date. He admired the guy and was really happy that you finally decided to move past Hoseok and move on to someone like Taehyung.

But deep down you know you were not over Hoseok. How could you be? He was your first love. Your fiance. You gave your heart and soul to that guy and it was difficult to move on from someone you spent almost a decade with.

Taehyung was coming closer to break the walls you've built around your heart after his death but you doubted he'd ever take his place. He'd be special in his own way and would have his own place in your heart but Hoseok will always remain there.

The day started as usual. Classes were as boring as always, students were as clumsy as always and some teachers were as annoying as always. For instance your modern art professor, Mr. Gilbert. First off, he was a British man trying his absolute hardest to mingle in between the Korean students and faculty. He'd speak in his broken Korean that he somehow learnt through Duolingo and would end up almost embarrassing himself.

Just like the other day, he tried to give his piece of mind to a student who was mending college's property near the staffroom, but all he could utter were a few curse words unknowingly. Some students kept calling him with names behind his back but because he couldn't understand them, he thought they were praising him.

Things like these were usual around the college premises. The play that you had last Saturday got postponed to the upcoming one because apparently the stage was not booked under your college's name. So you got another week to practice.

Taehyung didn't come to college today as well and you doubted if he'd even come after that urgent call last night.

Sana was as usual busy with this handsome hunk she's been hanging out with for the past few days. Currently they were around the other part of the ground with the guy facing his back to you and Sana placed over his lap. Her lips were lacing his neck every now and then and his hands were around her waist. Soon she straddled him and another round of painfully arousing makeout sessions started right around the ground.

Thank God not a lot of people were around the ground during lectured hours. You still haven't seen Jay's face but right now where he sat on the ground, his eyes caught yours. And to say he was pleased would be underplaying. He finally knew who Kim Taehyung's playdoll is and his eyes widened to be the size of almonds. He couldn't believe his eyes.

The lectures for the day were over and Taehyung still didn't come. You tried calling him but it went straight away to voicemail. Tired, you grabbed your bags and left the college. On your way back, you saw Jay leaning on Sana's car window pecking her lips before she started the engine and rolled out the parking lot.

When Jay turned to his own black shiney, mysterious car, you caught a side glance of his face. His hair was red a few days ago when you saw him but now they are blonde. The complexion was fairly white but his face was awfully familiar. Your breath hitched for a second thinking he looked very familiar to someone you knew… very very closely. But then he got into his car and drove away.

You had your evening shift at the Coffee Shop in half an hour so you made your way towards that, averting your gaze from the guy. Even though you had a tired day, it was the last shift for the week and then you'd be free for the weekend. You were looking forward to spending some time in the cozy coffee shop.


After the sudden late night meeting yesternight, Taehyung got back home around 3 in the morning. His phone died so he couldn't call or text you and because he was sick-tired, he fell asleep as soon as his warm and cozy bed touched him. He woke up around 9 the following day obviously having missed college yet again. Today the force was supposed to start an investigation all over again after the CIA superiors threw away all of the Seoul police force's reports.

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