• Chapter 7 •

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Namjoon made a detailed chart of everything they know about the association

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Namjoon made a detailed chart of everything they know about the association. Members, their occupations and the two who were already dead.

"We know there are 7 of them. I've heard about 6 but the one who is supposedly their leader, is seen by none. We have to dig deep to find him" Seokjin was listening to what Namjoon was saying to him. Namjoon asked one of the tech guys to find footage of the street cameras.

The boy pulled out the footage in no time. There was no unusual activity for the first 1 hour. The bartender they met this evening entered and then they spotted  Mr. Park entering the club. After around 20 minutes, he exited.

He lit a cigarette and took 2-3 puffs when a girl bumped into him. She was visibly drunk. Her light blue hair shined under the lights and the way Seokjin scrunched his nose gave away the idea that he disliked the color choice of this probably highschool girl.

Then Mr. Park hooked his arm around her waist and they were already moving inside his car. They drove away. The two detectives and the tech guy know the entire event that happened that night but none could see the face of the girl who went along with the victim. It was dark but the footage was blurry.

"Wow! This was helpful" the sarcasm that dripped with every word coming out of Seokjin's mouth was visible to the two juniors. The tech guy took his leave and now only Seokjin and Namjoon were present in the office.

"How are we going to find who is killing these big shots of the city Joon-ah?" This was the very first time in a long while that Seokjin used a nickname for Namjoon and that only represented one thing. Seokjin was definitely helpless at this moment.

"We will Hyung. Don't beat yourself up. Let's focus on this list of people for now" Namjoon, helpless himself because he couldn't cheer up his always cheerful Hyung pointed at the list displayed on the clear board in front of them. The members of J-corp.

"Yes. Let's do that" Seokjin took a deep breath before ruffling his hair back in style.

"So, 2 out of 7 of these men have already died, which means we have to somehow manage to keep the other 5 safe. Even if they are criminals, we can't risk their lives like that. We would need a backup team. 4 officers who can keep an eye on these men. The leader is still unknown so we have to work to find that man as well" Namjoon started drawing out a basic plan for the upcoming events. Seokjin was focussed on the board but spoke nothing until.

"The leader managed to keep him hidden and safe up until now. I think we don't need to focus on him. He will take care of himself. These 4 are more important right now" Seokjin cut Namjoon in between and pointed at the board. He was right. The leader could save himself.

"Find everything about these men. And by everything, I mean EVERYTHING," Seokjin said, looking at the names of men on the board. Namjoon nodded his head and head out of the office, leaving Seokjin alone.

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