• Chapter 2 •

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Streets empty, roads silent with no one in sight

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Streets empty, roads silent with no one in sight. The shops were shut down as well. Police imposed a definite curfew within the entire city block to  abstain any dispute among the supporters of the late director of Shinwa. It was one of the necessary stands they had to take for the safety of locals. 

The piercing silence came to an end with blaring sounds of sirens, police van's siren to be exact. Dozens of black cars lined up outside of the apartment complex with the recent death. 

"What do you think this is sir?" The detective in charge, Kim Namjoon, asked the lead detective Kim Seokjin who was busy taking rounds around the crime scene. 

"Absolutely a murder..!" the man looked with an enthralled gaze around the room and the person deposed  down on the expensive carpet said almost immediately. His straightforwardness appalled the young detective. 

"How are you so sure sir?" Namjoon couldn't stop from asking. The other looked back at the younger before sitting down on one of the chairs splayed across the room.

"That's the thing Kim. I am not sure but let's make a wild guess and assume this is a murder. There is no trace of anyone beside him in the room. The coffee cup is half empty. Might have had something mixed with his coffee that killed him" he paused, looking more focussed on the corpse. The younger being still lost in his words continued looking at him, waiting for more. 

"Collect everything that minutely resembles useful to you. Send everything to Min in the lab. He'll tell us further if my intuition is right or right" Seokjin said and walked towards the window. Looking through the large spotless pane, he wondered about something and then abruptly turned around towards the door. 

He walked out and saw a couple dozen people standing afar waiting for some information about their neighbour's death.

"Who was last seen with Mr. Park?" he asked a woman who was closest to him. She visibly shrugged before answering.

"No one sir. He lives alone and came back alone this evening" her answer seemed to ignore another question in his speeding brain. 

"Alone? What about his family? Wife? girlfriend? Anyone?" he asked the man beside the previous woman. 

"His wife left him, Sir. And about girlfriend, we don't know. He was a pretty reserved man. Hardly speaks to anyone. Barely at home" the man answered. Seokjin nodded and went back inside to Namjoon who had collected almost everything from the scene.

"Wrap the body up and send it for autopsy. We should head back too" he said, taking his coat and exiting the room without waiting for Namjoon to follow him out. 


After the unexpected death of Mr. Park yesterday, the streets of 245, Hangnum Road have been emptied to caution a lash out with the crowd. The entire block is under a curfew until further notice and police have sealed the entire apartment block where Mr. Park resided. 

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