• Chapter 41 •

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Author's note - This is a filler chapter and so it'll be shorter than the rest of the chapters. Enjoy reading ️❤️💜

It's the second day since you've been arrested. Two days since you've been in the small room. The day before, you've spent half of the day being questioned. And the rest, you had spent thinking.

Thinking about the last two years. About the years before that, that you spent with Hoseok and the months you've spent with Taehyung. It was a short time but it was quite memorable. He was a free spirit and made you feel like one yourself. Being with him was so easy. You didn't have to put any effort to keep up with the boy.

Apart from being the most notorious when it came to having fun, he was the most romantic in that department too. A small smile crept on your lips when you reminisced about the time when he took you to a lantern festival right before Chuseok holiday.

Flashback | October 2021

It was a week from Chuseok. Most of the people were packing away to visit their families during the week-long holiday. You weren't going obviously, because Woobin was already there with his mother so you decided to work on your college projects by staying back.

Taehyung didn't go back as well. He'd said, "I'd rather spend a week with you" with a beautiful smile which inturn made his full mouth appear to be like a box.

You decided the days of the stay and for the first few days you stayed at your place while for the rest, his place it was. It was difficult to live with him. For one, he was a bed-hogger. When sleeping, he'd take most of the space on the bed with you ending up sprawled either on top of him or squished in his embrace.

The three days went by so quickly. You cooked a lot, ate a lot, watched a lot of movies and had a whole lot more of sex. It was easier that way. The days at his place had the same routine. Aside from the fact that you had to practically keep him out of the kitchen while cooking, it was a task.

Movies after movies you spent hours on end infront of his tv. The nights were great and cozy. He had the biggest and the fluffiest blanket you've ever seen. His embrace was another thing to discuss but it was very comfortable sleeping with him.

On the last day of the week, he decided to take you out. There was a small lantern festival organised prior to the actual one by the beach and most of the people who've come back earlier were there. The beach wasn't very crowded but it wasn't silent either.

You both bought a big lantern from the nearby stall and some food too. Once you reached an open space on the beach among 100s of other people, you settled around waiting for the countdown.

"Isn't this beautiful?" You said in awe. Taehyung looked at you, not blinking once and mumbled back "it really is!"

You looked back and saw him looking at you. A blush formed on your cheeks and you hit him on the arm. He quickly leaned down and placed a light peck on your already red cheek "you look so cute when you blush" he said and wrapped his arms around your waist.

You looked away to hide the prominent blush but it was fruitless. He's already seen everything. Once the countdown began, everyone on the beach took their positions. Some held the lantern from two sides and lit the base while a few stood facing each other and then lit it.

You held the paper ornament up and waited for Taehyung to hold it from the opposite side but he walked behind you and held the lantern from your back. Your back was facing his chest and he was basically trapping you in his arms.

You blushed harder than you've been doing. He lit the lantern and you both held both of your hands up. The air rose inside the lamp and let it float up. Taehyung back hugged you and pulled you closer, watching your lit lamp among the 100s of others. The sky looked so pretty that night. And Taehyung looked even prettier when he leaned in and captured your lips in his.

"I love you so much" a small whisper between many claps and shouts was only audible to you. His love was only audible to you. You didn't say it back. He didn't expect you to say it either and hugged you tighter.

Thinking back to that day, you felt a rush of emotions surging through your body. So many emotions, and memories rush through your mind. Many occasions where his love confession made your heart leap a beat and breath hitch for a second. Many times his kisses make you lose your mind and soul.

How his eyes were the index of his heart and how you were the one in all the entries. You could feel his emotions for you but you never returned them. There were countless times when you could have told him how much he means to you, how much he matters and how he makes you feel but you never did.

Why? The question remains unanswered everytime you ask yourself so. You never said I love you too to him.

Why? Again, there was no answer. The only logical explanation you had was that you loved Hoseok. You've never thought opening up your heart to someone who isn't Hoseok could be easier.

But how wrong were you?! It wasn't difficult. Because you opened your heart to someone who wasn't Hoseok. You let someone else comfort you. You let your walls down for someone else after all. It wasn't difficult to find comfort in someone else and it sure as hell wasn't difficult to realise how you actually felt. How your heart felt!!

You loved Taehyung!!

The realisation came to you like a thunderstorm. You never realised when or how but you surely did fall for him. The days spent with him were a clear proof but you choose to ignore them foolishly.

You needed him, you realised it way too late. Whenever you were sad, you seeked his company. When you were angry, you wanted him to calm you down. When you were bored, you wanted to be with him. There were plenty of times when you could have realised your love for him but you never did.

The first day he confessed or the second time he chanted the three words like a mantra or the many other times when he casually blurted out the words in front of everyone or behind the confines of your bedroom, all those times, you could have told him. Told him that you loved him back. That you want him just as he does. You desired him just like he did but you never told.

Oh how much of a fool you were!! And now it was too late. You've lost him forever. He won't ever look at you the same way he used to before. The love that seeped through his eyes will vanish the next time he'd be in front of you. How he'd hate you for what you've done.

You were numb the entire time you were in the room but now your throat was welling up. You were close to crying and for all the obvious reasons, you didn't want to stop. You wanted to cry your guilt out. Cry your love. Because everytime you've tried to love, you've lost it. Because maybe…just maybe that's how God had decided to punish you. By taking the one thing keeping you sane, away from you.

By taking Taehyung away from you.

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