• Chapter 9 •

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A/N - A lot of happening in this chapter. You might want to pay attention while reading...!

Flashback to 2 days ago

"Kim, do you understand what you have to do?" Seokjin asked the officer in front of him. He nodded "Yes detective. I have to follow Mo Chang all the time" the officer chimed. 

"Correct. Do it as discreetly as you can. There must never be a doubt that you are a police officer" He said again. After analysing the situation, Seokjin concluded that they must let officers follow these target men. At any cost they can't let another person die and so Namjoon suggested that they appoint the best officers for the task. They were good at deceiving and hiding themselves among the locals to keep an eye on the suspect. 

"I can't risk losing my job. This is the last chance for us and our department. Do it right or the seniors might take the case to another team. It's about our dignity now" Seokjin tried to fuel up the officers by saying all that. He knew how frustrated the entire department was and he damn well knew that only aggression can get them to work. 

The 4 officers standing in front of Seokjin's desk, bowed to his senior before walking out one by one, taking the files along. The files had information about the movements of the remaining 4 men of J-Corp which Namjoon amassed with such difficulty. 

"I hope this works" Seokjin mumbled, rubbing his forehead in exasperation.

4 hours ago

Kim Jiwa, the officer appointed to follow Mo Chang, has been following him for the past 2 hours. First he went to his office, nothing out of the ordinary happened. Then he drove to a Dobbin (a horse farm)

Rented a horse and went horse riding near the forest. Jiwa tried to get a horse for himself but the owner denied him saying it was for VIP appointments only. Such bullshit!!

He trailed down the path  Chang might have taken with his car, when he heard the struggling voice of someone at a distance. He ran towards the source of voice only to find Chang on the ground. His entire body filled with a thousand bees, sucking on him. He couldn't do anything. It was a nuisance to mess with the bees so he ran back to his car and brought the fire extinguisher out. 

He sprayed the gas onto his body and in a few minutes, the bees were gone leaving him frail and on the verge of dying. 

"Help! Someone help!" Jiwa yelled for help as he picked Chang's almost lifeless  body in his arms. 

Present time

You and Taehyung arrived at the scene since both of you were around the place clicking pictures for his project. Looking at the unconscious man, Taehyung bent down to check the man's pulse and breath. His expression told clearly that something wasn't right. 

"He is dead.." Taehyung said, looking back at you and then at the man holding his body. 

"Did you kill him? What happened to him?" Taehyung frantically asked the young man beside them. Confusion laced his expressions because that man had no sign of unjustness to his body, not a single scratch. But blotches. Big red and pink blotches all over his body, face and arms. Bee sting. That is what killed him. 

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