• Chapter 10 •

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In the headquarters 

"Do you have a fucking idea how pressured I am about this case? The authorities haven't let me off the hook ever since this havoc broke out. Ministers have been pestering me to give them a name. Where am I supposed to give them a fucking name if my force is far behind the case itself" the captain, Mr. Bang yelled at Seokjin as soon as he entered his office and shut the door behind him. 

"Sir, we're trying our best here. That asshole isn't leaving much more evidence for us to work with" Seokjin said in a composed voice even though his insides were on fire with rage. 

"Do you think they care about evidence? They want the killer caught and prosecuted before more of these high profile men are killed. Did you find anything about this J-Corp?" He asked, frustratedly pulling on his hair. 

"We've listed out the names. Officers have been following the rest 3 since last week. The leader is still unknown" Seokjin answered, his voice getting a hold of itself after a while. 

There was uncertainty in his voice when he spoke the next sentence the moment Seokjin stood up to take a leave. "They're thinking of giving the case over to the Intelligence Bureau. I don't care but I want you to solve the case. Seokjin, it's about our department's dignity now. Mine and yours including" Mr. Bang was greatly tensed at this point. And so was Seokjin. He had to get to the bottom of this case because now it's not about just catching the bad guy, Now it's about the pride of an officer, an entire department. And Seokjin in no way is going to tamper that so easily. 

Taking a leave from his superior after the heated meeting, Seokjin got a call from Jiwa asking for his presence back at the station. As he was driving past the familiar bar, his eyes fell on the bartender, Woobin walking towards the place. He stopped his car right beside him "Mr. Bartender, care to join me to the police station? I have some questions to ask, ''he said, sliding down his window. 

Woobin on the other hand started hyperventilating. This day can't get any more happier than it already was for him. First he found the whiskey guy's Instagram account after almost an hour of scrolling through hundreds of pages, then his favorite breakfast and now the whiskey guy himself was asking him to come with him. The day kept getting better and better for him.

Without thinking further, he nodded and entered the car. The ride was silent, only the occasional whistling and humming from Seokjin was heard. Woobin was shaking inside. He had no idea why he was being escorted to the station but all that can wait, right? Right now, he's going to enjoy the aura of this gorgeous man beside him even if he ends up in jail after today. 

"Jiwa, get him to investigation room 27B. I'll be there" Seokjin asked as he entered the station. Woobin trailing behind him like a lost puppy. 

"And who must you be?" Jiwa asked, confused at the clueless boy behind Seokjin. 

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