• Chapter 26 •

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It has been a week since you've unofficially accepted Taehyung's proposal

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It has been a week since you've unofficially accepted Taehyung's proposal. There was no proper proposal per say but he started treating you as if you're his girlfriend. He'd pick you up for college whenever he can and then he'd drop you and go to the station. Somedays, his schedule wouldn't require him to be at the station all day stuck with files so he'd skim a few hours to go on coffee breaks with you. He'd like to call them dates but that's another thing you need to work on.

Somedays were tightly packed with him not even giving you a minute of his attention but he'd somehow text you in the middle of anything to check up on you. The blush that flush up your cheeks when his text reads 'I miss you' was something you were very working on to conceal.

Everything was going smoothly for the past week. Your work has been a lot less hectic at the coffee shop minding it was festival season and most of the people were with their families. The streets were empty and quiet too. College was going to have a short winter break and you were looking forward to going to visit Hoseok's mother.

You didn't see her ever since his father died and you felt guilty for not being there with her in such difficult times. Woobin had taken a leave from his jobs and was with his mother so you were all alone in the apartment.

*Knock knock*

A sudden knock sounded at the door of your empty apartment. It was a Saturday evening and you had no plan on doing anything then to make cup ramen and have a movie night but yourself. You weren't expecting anyone either so the intrusion was obviously alarming.

You walked upto the door and opened it without checking and was met with a huffing Taehyung on the other side. He had a bag of takeout in one hand and another paper bag in another.

"Taehyung! What… are you doing.. here?" You asked as he invited himself inside.

"It's the weekend and I was free. You were also alone so I thought we should give each other company. By the way, I bought your favorite." He settled the two bags on the small kitchen counter and walked inside the kitchen to take out two plates and two glasses.

"That's so sweet of you. Thanks" you said, taking a seat on the other side of the aisle. He was on the inside, heating the food. He looked up with a bored expression and shook his head "There is no need to thank me. I wanted to do so" he said and continued his administration.

He served the food that indeed was your favorite, Korean Stew with Rice and Bean Soup. Your mouth watered at the sight of food on the table. He then took out two bottles of soju from the other bag and poured two glasses. He slid one towards you and kept one for himself.

"How was your day?" You asked first. It was so normal to hang out with him despite knowing that feelings are involved now.

"Consuming. I swear to God working with Ren is like working with a devil. She just doesn't know the limits" he said with a deep breath and then told you everything that happened that day.

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