• Chapter 30 •

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After the phone call, of course Namjoon had to stay back from his engagement shopping to help his partners in the station. Seokjin, Ren and Taehyung along with the CIA chief rushed towards the City Hospital as soon as they received the call.

Baek-In-Ga, the oldest and the last member of J-corp was admitted to a VIP ward with very tight security. He didn't want anyone inside. The doctors who attended him told Seokjin that he had a heart attack just a few hours ago when he was rushed into the hospital and that he's been under sedation for now.

Taehyung walked towards the room where he was kept and looked through the glass door. He was sleeping as per the doctor.

"Can you brief us about everything you know?" Ren asked the doctor.

"2 hours ago, he was brought in by a few guys after he had a heart attack. They told me that he was out of town for a vacation. I don't know much. We'll have to wait for him to regain his consciousness" the doctor told her.

"Pfft!! I've caught him, my ass" Ren cursed after coming back to the bench where Seokjin and Taehyung were sitting. "I knew he was stalling!" She exclaimed further.

"We'll have to wait to hear from him," Seokjin huffed in annoyance. Just as the force thought that the case was closed, the killer came out again. But this time, he didn't succeed like the last time. Maybe with Baek's help, they could finally catch him.

When they were sitting there, waiting for Baek to wake up, Taehyung pulled out his phone and dialed a number.

"Hello, come here to the hospital right now. We're going to this location where he was hanging out" Taehyung said into the phone.

"I'll come too. Namjoon can accompany Seokjin here" Ren offered, for the first time the two former lovers didn't argue on something and Taehyung agreed without any further discussion. Seokjin nodded his head and called Namjoon and Jimin while Taehyung and Ren sprint out of the hospital.

"I'll call Yoongi with us" Ren pulled out her phone to dial for the forensic expert. Yoongi joined them at the hospital after 20 minutes and then, from there Taehyung drove the three of them.

After 2 hours of driving later, they were at Gapyeong. It was situated near the River Land and had various outdoor activities. There were resorts lacing the 10 metre long river bank. It was a perfect destination for a holiday and to relax. Taehyung took a mental note to take you there once he's free from the murder case.

"Excuse me!" Taehyung asked the man who was at the gates, handling the tickets and entry into the resort location. Yoongi was lazily walking behind the two officers with his equipment in one hand and an umbrella in the other.

Yes, he was sensitive to the Sun. No, he isn't a Vampire like Jimin speculated… Moving on!

The man got out of his cabin and attended the two mysterious looking people and a pale skinned umbrella man outside. "How can I help you sir?

"There was an accident here this morning. We would like to visit the place" Ren straightforwardly asked the man. He looked at the two of them doubtfully and cocked his head.

"I'm sorry sir but we can't give out any information about our guests. It's against our policies" the man stated.

"Policies my arse!!" Ren cursed under her breath again.

"We're from the Seoul Police Department. A man was admitted to the hospital after having a cardiac arrest this morning. We would like to visit the place he was at" Taehyung explained to the man after Ren just blurred out everything. Yoongi rolled his eyes at her behavior but he was no stranger to her blunt self so commented nothing.

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