• Chapter 45 | Finale •

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Once the judge asked to proceed, the entire courtroom was filled with accusations and questions coming from both the sides of the room. The defense lawyer put forward his case first "My lord, this is a clear and straight murder case. The evidence all point towards the accused Miss Wang YN. In the investigation, The CIA found proofs that all the murders were very stratigically done by her in the spite of revenge" he finished.

Mr. Si-Hyuk stood up from his seat to oppose him but the judge overruled his plea and asked the defense lawyer to proceed.

"Two years ago, Miss YN lost her fiance in Ireland. In her statement to the police 6 months ago, she accepted that she was angry because her fiance was murdered and none of the police or the government of Ireland helped her find the guilty and then later, she takes the matter in her own hands and get on will killing all the members of a very well known private organisation" Mr. Lee said, pointing towards you. You had your head hung low. Everything they were saying was true and you didn't want to oppose any of that.

"We are hearing what Mr. Lee here is trying to say. But he's forgetting one very crucial detail that the very well known private organisation he's talking about, was an illegal organization" Si-Hyuk opposed once again. This time the judge let him speak but Mr. Lee stood up at the same time to counteract his words.

"Illegal or not, no one gave her the right to kill in cold blood. She could have gone to the police. What did she think, that killing a hunch of criminals will make her some kind of Robinhood? No, it still counts as a crime even if you kill an animal and these were men" Mr. Si-Hyuk had nothing to say to this. Mr. Lee was right but he can't lose to him. Not now. Not ever.

The case carried on for a few more hours. Eye witnesses were called in to give their statements. The old lady from the rundown cosmetic shop was called to identify you but she couldn't. No one actually could tell that it was you. Your disguise was so good that none of the people that came across you recognised you under that mask and that awful blue hair.

"We will continue the hearing after lunch. Dismissed" the judge ordered and the room slowly faded away into silence.

You were taken back to the waiting area and the two lawyers cleared the desk to leave for their lunch. Taehyung and Yoongi followed their lawyer and called out his name. Yoongi had the case file he's readied for relaxation in your sentence.

"Mr. Bang!" Taehyung called him. He stopped in his tracks and looked back at the officer.

"Thank you so much for helping with the case Mr. Bang" Taehyung went ahead to thank him.

"I'm just doing my job, officer Kim. How may I help you?" He asked once his gaze fell on the leather file in Yoongi's hands.

"Umm. Actually, we have prepared a requesting plea against YN's sentence. It's to reduce it to a minimum time period but because we didn't have any lawyer before, we were going to hand it in at last. And now that you've taken over the case, we were hoping if you could have a look at it" Taehyung handed him the file. He flipped through the pages and his expressions changed with each page that he flipped.

Ren saw the conversation that was going on between the three of them and couldn't stop herself from joining as well. But once she heard and saw what exactly they were talking about, she fumed with anger.

"Tae! What is the meaning of all this?" She asked, surprised to see the documents in Mr. Bang's hands.

"Not Now ren. I don't have the time and energy to fight with you" he tried to dismiss the girl but as stubborn as she was, she didn't budge.

"Why are you doing this? She needs to be punished for all the crimes! Why can't you understand that.." she was saying but Taehyung cut her off mid sentence.

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