• Chapter 11 •

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The officers were in a frenzy

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The officers were in a frenzy. They were at point zero again. None of the three suspects were useful enough to give them any information and on top of everything, Seokjin handled the bartender who didn't miss a single chance of embarrassing himself in front of Seokjin. To say he was frustrated would be a major understatement. 

"Namjoon?  What are you working on?" Seokjin walked into Namjoon's cabin but found him digging his head in a file. 

"Sir. I asked Ken to find me the details of all the death's in Ireland dating two years back. Apparently, there was a mass murder case there. Y/N said that she moved here after her fiance died. Can this be related to the case in any way?" Namjoon was confused as to why he was digging into your past.

"I've heard of that case. Many innocent lives were taken that day" Seokjin sat down and said. 

"Exactly. And you know what's interesting sir? Y/N's alleged fiance died on that mass murder too and the responsibility of that massacre was taken by, guess what? J-corp" Namjoon explained to his senior. He was digging too much into the case when he found out about it. 

"The Armed deal between two syndicates led to a major scrabble. Someone snitched on the members and the local police ended up raiding the dealing place. Between the crossfire, several civilians lost their lives" Seokjin was patiently listening to all this. It was hard to believe such a massive fray made innocent people lose their lives. 

"So, if what you're saying is true then we might find the link to their leader in Ireland. We need to take a look back at the case with a fresh set of eyes" Seokjin finally said after thinking for a while.

"Yes. I'll visit the police department of Ireland and dig up some Intel on this case sir" Namjoon offered, earning a nod from the elder. 

"I'll have to make sure to keep the remaining 4 safe. We can't risk another life Namjoon. I'm already walking on thin ice to have another kill under my watch. I'll handle things here" Seokjin huffed the biggest piece of air out of his mouth. 

After consulting with his superiors, Namjoon got a signed order to visit Ireland on office duty and to investigate the case. Seokjin was left alone in Seoul with nowhere to look for. He was frustrated and in dire need to catch this killer and shoot a bullet right through his skull. 

After a tiring day, Seokjin finally proceeded to his house. His wife opened the door and embraced him in a warm hug followed by a peck on the cheek. The little twins in the crib were excitedly waiting to greet their father with the loveliest smile on their faces. He instantly forgot every spec of tiredness from his body the moment the babies held his index fingers in their hands. 

"They missed you" His wife, Sooya said, coming in with a glass of water for her husband. He took the water and sipped it slowly while admiring the beautiful blessings of god he had right in front of his eyes, his son and daughter. 

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