• Chapter 38 •

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"Wang YN!!" Taehyung bawled, the first thing after he entered the investigation room. You were already inside with your left wrist cuffed and locked with the metallic table in the room.

It was a small room. Two chairs on either side of the table and a water dispenser at the farther right of the door. One small ventilator Which was enough for a small amount of natural white light to seep in. Other than that, the room Was illuminated with a one light bulb right above the metal furniture.

You immediately looked back on your lap as soon as you found Taehyung entering the room. You didn't want to look him in the eyes and see the hurt lurking around his questioning gaze. You just couldn't face him and cause him any more hurt as you've already struck him and his heart with.

You heard him pulling the other metal chair out with a loud screech on the ground and taking a seat right in front of you. He placed both of his hands on the table, fingers entangled with each other. You still didn't look up at him.

"Ahem.." he cleared his throat as the poorest attempt to find a few more strands of courage so he could question you. His heart was physically hurting seeing the red marks on your wrists by the rough metal grip. He had to look away from your hands to stop himself from leaping forward and kiss them better.

"YN.." he said slowly. His voice breaking due to the vulnerability in the words. You didn't look up. His attempts at staying calm were failing miserably and when you still didn't look up, he let the last strand of composure go.

"Wang Y/N, you've been arrested for the cold blooded murder of 6 civilians in the past 3 months. Do you accept doing the deed?" He said without letting his voice break. It was too tough and accusing but he had to do it. For the sake of his duty.

"Yes. I accept" you said after taking a while to think. His heart that was already leaping out of his chest, broke at your words. There was no remorse in your speech. No guilt of killing half a dozen people whatsoever.

"Why?" He asked again. His fingers wobbly while playing with the pen in his hands. He's brought it in with him as a distraction from you, which seemed to be failing the second he stepped foot inside.

You went quiet again. How can you tell the person who loves you like crazy that you went crazy for someone else? How was he supposed to take it all in? How was his heart supposed to take it?

His patience was running thin. He wanted words. Anything from you to tell him that he hasn't lost you forever. That there is something that he still could hold onto with you. A little hope. But what left your mouth was enough for him to force himself to let that hope go.

"Because I loved someone" your answer was short but so sharp that it pierced him right in the middle of his chest. If words were enough to kill someone, your statement would have killed him right that second.

"Because I trusted someone with all I had. Because the one I'm fighting for, isn't deserving of it" your every word is filled with hurt. Hoseok had no right to play you like he did but at that particular moment, you were feeling more betrayed than angry. He cheated on all of you. His family, his friends, his love...you. He was a cheater and the cause of you losing yourself and your sanity.

"W.. How did you carry out those murders?" The words felt sour on his tongue. Accusing in all the ways possible. You went silent again.

"Who's your partner?" He asked again. Somewhere inside his heart, he still hoped you were innocent. Or at least he was hoping for that. He was trying his best to not jump over the metal table and embrace you but he was bound to not do so.

"No one. I did it myself" your declaration made his heart drop to the pit of his stomach. There it was. Your confession.

He knew the others were listening on the other side of the one sided glass separating you from the control room. He could imagine the grin on Ren's face the moment you took the blame. And he hated it.

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