• Chapter 4 •

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"Miss Y/N? Are you alright?" The dimpled man called Namjoon asked, breaking your trance

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"Miss Y/N? Are you alright?" The dimpled man called Namjoon asked, breaking your trance. You blinked a few times and looked at him on your front.

"Yes. Yes I'm fine. What do you want to know sir?" you asked, gaining your composure back. In reality, you were shaken by the presence of a police officer in front of you. The scene of a few months back when two officers barged into your house with the news of Hoseok's demise. You were not over the event and the arrival of the detective made you fall back into the memories.

"Do you know who Mr. Park Seo-jun is?" He asked,  carefully taking up his glass and sipping his black coffee to avoid any spilling on his suit or floor.

"I know the name and heard in the news that he died?" you asked, wiping away the non-existent dirt from the counter. He didn't look up from the small dairy thing he had in his hand and only hummed in affirmation.

"Murdered! And I'm asking with that reference only. So do you remember him coming to your coffee shop and ordering coffee or tea? He nonchalantly said as if it's no big deal but just a murder.

"He is a regular here. As long as I've started working here, he comes in every weekend, orders the same drink and gives away the same annoying flirty remarks to every girl" your tone was filled up with disgust when you said the last words. Namjoon looked up from his diary and into your eyes. There was no hatred, just the usual disgust a girl has for someone who makes them uncomfortable on a daily basis.

"Who serves here on weekends?" he asked, tilting his head to the right.

"Shifts keep changing sir. Sometimes it's me, sometimes it's Mark and sometimes it's some other evening time workers. It's never consistent on weekends'' you replied genuinely.

He looked around and nodded before getting up and abruptly walking out of the shop, leaving his half empty coffee on the counter. You looked confused at his disappearing figure and shrugged off getting back to your work.

The day ended and you changed out of your barista attire to your usual clothes to head home. On your way back, you bought some chinese food and some groceries. Heading home from the store, you accidently bumped into a person. He had black hoodie zipped up-to his neck and a mask on his face. Head was covered with a beanie even though the weather was pretty bearable.

Your bag slipped off your hand and the contents fell down the floor. "I'm sorry" you apologized to the man. He didn't say anything but looked at you. His eyes flinched and he abruptly turned back to stroll out of your sight.

Taehyung!!? You thought to yourself barely recognising the man from his eyes. Then you shook your head thinking what he would do in the neighbourhood when he lived all the way in the opposite side of college. You shrugged and picked up everything, making your way back to your house.

Woobin was apparently on a date that he told you about so you ate yourself and went to finish your college work. After finishing up with everything, you sat back on the couch to watch TV. The news flashed the ongoing investigation of Mr. Park. Police weren't releasing any confidential reports about the death so the reporters were in a frenzy to gather some information to give to the people.

The customary news bored you after all while so you switched off the TV. With no-one else in the house, the shrill silence pierced through your ears so you decided to take a walk around the place.

The next morning

The internship your teacher told you about the day before was going to start from today and they needed your names for that. In another urgent meeting in the auditorium, you ended up giving your name to one of the seniors from the sculpture department. Taehyung gave his name to the same so now he was paired up with you for the next 2 months.

After the meeting, Taehyung asked you to go and eat lunch since he skipped breakfast due to oversleeping. You smacked his head before heading in the direction of the cafeteria.

"Tae? Where were you last night?" you couldn't stop yourself from asking. The image of the man from last night bothered you and you didn't want to assume it was your friend.

"Home. Why?" he complacently said, munching on his burger with a childish pout.

"I saw someone last night behind the grocery store who resembled just like you. I thought it was you" you picked up a fry from his plate to which you received a light smack on the back of your hand.

"Hands off my fries!! I'm not a stoner to be found behind a grocery store Y/N" he laughed and continued eating. You concluded it was not him and someone else with eyes almost the same as Taehyung. After eating and some more chit chat, you both left for your respective next classes.

Meanwhile, somewhere between the lavish houses of Seoul, a group of men stood near an even marvelous house. All dressed in black and blue suits and sleek hairstyles, made their way inside the house one by one.

The man sitting in the huge hall, facing his back to the 3 guys coming in, signalled them to take a seat.

"Sir, Park is dead. Police can't find anything that can prove if it's a natural death or murder" the man who was dressed in a all black suit and red tie spoke up first.

"What about our men in the force?" the man, addressed as Sir said, still facing away from the three men.

"I've heard from them that they are planning to close the case assuming it's an allergy driven death" the same guy said again answering his boss.

"Hmm.. I see. Alright then, we'll have to give his department to someone else. How do you like to handle Park's work from now on Hyeop?" the man asked him. His breath hitched at the sudden offer but he nodded nonetheless.

"I'll try my best, Sir" he said, nervously.

"You either give your best or you are out. Make your choice wisely Hyeop" and with that, the man on the big velvety red chair stood up making his way towards the staircase leading to the upper floor.

"You may leave now" he said the last words from the top of the stairs and moved away. The three men bowed to no one in particular and soon made their way out of the grand house.

"Congrats Hyeop. You're going to be the Weapon Guy" the other two smirked teasing the third man. He nodded absentmindedly and soon the three were in their respective cars to head back to their respective workplaces.

The same night, you were making dinner and Woobin was working on his project when a news story flashed on the TV screen. Your attention shifted from the pan in front of you to the sound of the women on the screen.

In yet another high society of Seoul last night, Mr. Kim of Kim Textiles was found dead in a hotel room. This has been the second death of these renowned personalities in less than 10 days.

Head of the police department, Mr. Wang refused to release any more details about the death of such a high profile celebrity but the looks on their faces shows how tense they are. If rumors are to be believed, the  deceased are all part of a bigger syndicate that a few of us knows as 'J corp'

We'll try our best to provide you with all the details of the death's so stay tuned for more.

Yet another death, one more person lost his life and that too of the same group. This can't be a coincidence. Both you and Woobin looked at each other. Several thoughts running through both of your minds. The entire dinner was spent with a mind full of the two deaths happening in your surroundings. You didn't know if it was safe to live there anymore or not. But you had to, because everything was there only.

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