Halloween Special

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Before we get into it I thought I should address some things. The placement of this "chapter" is kind of up to you. The seasons in miraculous stay pretty much the same with the exception of the Christmas special or even valentines day so it can be difficult to tell what time of year it is supposed to be in episodes anyway. However due to the way I wrote this out I would say it fits somewhere in between chapters 44, 45, 46, and 47. The winner of the poll was Chat Noir with Red Riding hood coming in a close second. However as you can see by the picture (If you are reading this on Quotev or Wattpad) Sorry fanfiction, placing images is no easy task, Then you can see the actual costume is a version of Chat Blanc. Now you might be thinking, but wait! We haven't done that chapter yet, how does Lucy know what Chat Blanc looks like?

The answer is simple, she doesn't.

Lucy will explain the concept for her costume in the chapter which also leads to a bit of foreshadowing on why Chat Noir looks like Chat Blanc in the future. I'm pretty happy that this was the one that won because it now has a little more depth a reason behind it rather than a random filler chapter.

Also, I have been working on this chapter for a few weeks because I wanted it to play out a certain way in my head but also Im writing an original Akuma attack in here and that is some work on my end because as I have mentioned, I'm terrible at action-based scenes.

Anyway! I hope you enjoy it!


"I have summoned you all here today with very important information," Lucy said as she stood before the majority of her classmates and friends after summoning them all to the park one Sunday afternoon. "Halloween party, my place, six pm till who cares its the freakin-weekend baby. Costumes, highly recommended, food, yours truly will provide but if you happen to have a devilish dish you would like to share feel free. Expect tunes, games, and of course, after we are all ready to get cozy, scary movie marathon! Which ones? I'm a fan of the classics but am open to suggestions and requests! Whos in?" She then asks, finger gunning her friends.

Alix quickly raised her and smirked. "You sold me! Rsvp me now."

"That sounds like so much fun!" Rose squealed, earning a murmur of agreement from Juleka who sat beside her.

"Question!" Alya shouted raising her hand. Lucy smiled and replied with a "Shoot." Adjusting her glasses Alya gave her a look of almost guilt.

"No offense Lucy, but don't you think your place is a little small to be hosting a party with well," She gestured to the group. "Everyone?"

Lucy made a fish face and squinted. Alya wasn't wrong. The number of people she was inviting was rather large for her apartment but what was she supposed to do? She could have just invited a few people but that would mean choosing which people not to. And then those people might wonder why they didn't make the cut. Of course, Lucy also knew most people probably wouldn't think that deeply into it but she couldn't risk it! Maybe some people just wouldn't show up?

Outwardly, Lucy shrugged. "We'll work it out."

"As if I would be caught at a party with all you losers." Chloe sneered while crossing her arms. Lucy shot her an annoyed glance.

"Just for that, you're uninvited."

"Excuse me!? You can't uninvite me! I already said I wasn't going!" Chloe argued. Lucy let off another shrug.

"Good, cuz you can't come."

"Lucy! You take that back!"

"Wah wah. Sorry, no room."


"Like Alya, said," Lucy explained. "Big party plans! Iiiiittybitty living space." She said squishing her index fingers together. "Don't worry, I'm sure everyone will tell you all about it after. It will be like a second-hand party."

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