Chapter 37 Mother and Daughters

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Hello again!

Lucy knocked on the dressing room door that Adrien said he would be inside of. He had invited her to his father's big fashion show, something Lucy had never done before, never really understanding some of the crazy things she saw in magazines. Her main motivation was that this would be the fashion show that Adrien would be modeling Marinette's derby that she had made almost a year prior. Adrien opened the door and smiled down at Lucy before greeting her and inviting her inside the trailer.

"Well don't you look dapper?" Lucy comments as she looked Adrien up and down. He wore a brown and black three-piece suit and tie. She straightened his tie before adjusting his jacket, smoothing out the tops of his shoulders with her hands, the material soft against her fingers. She gives him a small smile.

"I feel awkward." He admits as he had with Plagg only a few moments before she knocked. Lucy raised an eyebrow at him.

"Awkward? Why? You've done this before yeah?"

Adrien sighs and looks back into the mirror, fidgeting with his jacket.

"Yeah, a ton of times. I don't know, sometimes the stuff my dad designed, though great, just aren't I guess."

Lucy shrugged and nodded her head, understanding. "I get it. But hey! You don't have to go around telling everyone how much you love your outfit, you just gotta show it off." Lucy turns and sits on the small black love seat tucked in the far end of the trailer, leaning back and resting her arms above the backrest and crossing her legs. "Also, You're not only showing off your dad's designs but one of Marinette's as well. Speaking of which, where is that girl? It's already- you know what, it's Marinette, when is she ever on time?"

A knock at the door grabbed the two teens' attention and Adrien opened the door to let the girl in question inside. The clumsy girl trips up the stairs, falling into the tall boy, dropping her hat to the floor, the pigeon feather falling off of it. Lucy watched with an amused expression as the two smacked heads trying to pick up the hat.

"Oh no," Adrien said, noticing the feather. "I hope it's not too hard to fix."

"Nothin a little super glue won't fix." Lucy joked, earning a sided-eyed look from Adrien. The blonde girl simply gave him a toothy grin and a wink.

"Hey, Lucy." Marinette greeted politely before frowning a little at the hat.

"I was just joking Mari, it really isn't a hard fix, is it?"

"It doesn't matter," Marinette grumbled. "This hat is a failure anyway."

"What? No, it isn't." Adrien told Marinette as he helped her off the ground. "Why would you say that?"

"Because..." Marinette began, fiddling with the feather in her hands. "the queen of fashion, Audrey Bourgeois saw it and hated it. I'm sorry, Adrien. I really messed up. I'm a total no-talent. Please don't put it on." Lucy got up from the couch and walked over to her friends, placing a hand on Marinette's shoulder. "Marinette, you can't doubt yourself like that. Even if Audrey did hate it, and I'm sure she doesn't, it wouldn't matter. There is always criticism in art. You can't always please everyone."

"Everything's gonna be fine. Your hat looks great; I think it's awesome; so does my father. Otherwise, he wouldn't have picked it for me." Adrien told her, taking the feather out of her hand and sticking it back into the hat before placing it on his head and strutting his stuff.

"You've got that cat-walk down." Marinette compliments as Lucy nods and makes Vouge motions with her hands. Adrien scratched the back of his head and thanks her before Nathalie announces that it is time for them to go. Adrien followed Nathalie and Lucy and Marinette made their way to the main hall to find their seats in the crowd. Marinette still hadn't found the courage to talk to Lucy about her possible feelings for Adrien. Luckily, Adrien had not asked her for any advice since that day at the rink. Lucy and Adrien's interactions with one another also had not seemed to change, so Marinette had concluded that he had not made any progress in confessing his feelings. For now, she would leave it. After all, perhaps it was easier to smile and pretend everything was fine rather than admit her heart was a little swollen from losing something that wasn't even hers.

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