Chapter 28 Don't Be A Baby

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Im gonna trrrrryy and work this the way I want to lol. Also, here are some pics of Talia. Just for fun.

Marinette paced the floor of her room while she and Alya waited for their girlfriends to arrive. In the past week and a half, she had come into some important information. Marinette's birthday had just past and besides her grandmother on her father's side getting akumatized because of her, something wonderful had happened. Adrien had given her a present. Not just any present, a handmade present. A lucky charm much like the one she had given him all those months ago while they practiced for the gaming tournament together. It was a small gift that for Marinette held so much meaning. He could have gotten her nothing, or a simple card, or a random item that he thought girls like, but instead Adrien had taken the time to give her something that connected them. It had to mean something. Adrien cared about her, he thought about her. If you could love someone, and keep loving them, without being loved back...then that love had to be real. It hurt too much to be anything else. She couldn't let this go, so she and Alya devised a plan, one that involved sharing her secret with a few select people. Eventually, her room filled with herself, Alya, Lucy, Rose, Juleka, Alix, Talia, and Mylene. As it turned out, Paris was a small world that revealed Talia was actually Juleka's cousin. When they both arrived and saw one another it was clear neither knew they had mutual friends in the same social circle. That may have been due to Talia being a good three years older than the rest. The girls sat and waited while Marinette stood in front of them with Alya. Lucy and Talia of course already knew what this little meeting was about. Or at least half of it. Alya had told them how the two were going to bring in their other classmates into the loop on Marinette's crush on Adrien in order to get some help.

"Thanks for showing up, girls. So, check this out. I've got the...biggest...scoop! But FYI, it's seriously hush-hush. Top secret, classified information."

"Is it though?" Talia remarked, examining her nails. Lucy nudged her Talia with her foot as she sat on the lounge chair above her.

"You know who Ladybug is?" Alix asked earning a gasp from some of the other girls.

"No," Alya clarified. "but it's almost as hot. Marinette is—"

"Wait, Alya." Marinette turns Alya to whisper to her, nervous about letting people in on her little secret. "Do you really think this is such a good idea?"

"I don't think it is, I know it is. But remember, girls, your lips are sealed. Got it?" Alya spoke to their friends getting a nod of agreement from them all.

"Well, Marinette is head-over-heels for somebody."

"Yeah, Adrien," Alix remarked, getting a small laugh from the others.

"Wait! How did you!?"

"Sweety, you're super obvious about it" Lucy said with a small smile.

"Do you think...A...Adrien...knows."

"No way," Rose spoke. "Boys never pick up on that." Marinette sighed in relief.

"Right, so let's get down to business. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to arrange a ridiculously romantic date between Marinette and Adrien." Alya proposed as she paced the floor. Most of the girls seemed enthusiastic to help. Talia watched as Lucy gave a breath out her nose as she gave a small smile and nodded in Marinette and Alya's direction before giving a silent nod herself. Talia still couldn't totally get behind pushing Marinette and Adrien together. At first, she really had been all for it. Really, she was, but how could she now? Now that she knew the truth that no one else did. She watched as Alya and Marinette went over the complicated plan on a way to make what was supposed to be a simple coincidence become a magical unexpected date. It was all so...much. There's a reason for the word heartbeat not to be called beat of the heart. The perfect woman only needs a good beat. The heart will follow. Emotions, when put in equilibrium with reason, create more miracles than any emotion, no matter how strong, deprived of reason. This is why it's much easier to love a woman that can play the drums or any other instrument with rhythm, than one that believes in unreasonable magic, simply because there's more magic in reason than in the lack of it. You see, loving someone that you truly want to love, someone you admire, someone you want to spend your time with, helping, sharing, and growing together, makes much more sense than expecting someone to love you for no reason other than your will, needs, and desires. And when humans understand this, they will understand love, find it easily and never lose it again. Lucy didn't play the drums, though she had mentioned to Talia that Adrien had shown her a bit about playing the Piano. But for some reason, Talia could just see how better of a fit it would be if Lucy and Adrien got together. Talia didn't hang around Adrien much. but she did around Chat and she could tell in the way he talked about Lucy that he was definitely interested. Knowing who he was under the mask and seeing them at Chloe's party several days ago just further confirmed her own suspicions. Oh, how complicated this all was.

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