Chapter 70 You Can Do It, We Can Help

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Adrien was floating. Quite literally in fact. His hands brushed against the clouds below him, enjoying the feeling of the wind against his face and through his hair. Lucy was there with him. Only a few meters away she smiled at him, holding out her arms for him to reach for.

"Adrien..." She called out as he reached out for her. "This whole time you were Chat Noir..." She said dreamily.

He couldn't get himself to speak, instead nodding as he took her hands in his. His smile, his bliss seemed to be ripped away from him as Lucy's look of adoration changed. Her eyes hardened as her brows scrunched, a frown forming on her lips.

"This whole time..." She repeated, her tone losing its sweetness. "You were CHAT NOIR!"

Adrien jolted up at the feeling of a sting against his arm. Hissing, he looked across the bed to Lucy wholes lips pursed together as she glared at him.

"Ow! What the hell?"

"This whole time you were Chat Noir!" Lucy seethed.

"Yes! We have established that I am and have always been Chat Noir. I thought you were happy about this?! Isn't that why we...?" A lazy smile formed across Adrien's face as his eyes dropped from hers, taking in her bare form that was unfortunately covered by the sheet she had tucked around her.

"Are you serious right now?"

"Are you?!" Adrien shot back. "I thought we were good. Honestly, I expected the look of betrayal before the passionate love making, not after."

"Adrien, you encouraged me to date you while pretending to be someone else."

"To be fair," Adrien pointed. "I tried to stay very neutral any time the topic came up."

"We sat here, not that long ago, and as Chat Noir, you had me tell you all the things I found similar about you two, and then asked me if I loved you. Does that not sound a little manipulative...or maybe even a bit narcissistic to you?"

Adrien stared at Lucy a moment, his brain processing what was being asked of him.

"Well..." He said blinking. "Now that I hear it out loud...." Lucy crossed her arms and huffed. Adrien quickly shook his head and wrapped his arms around her.

"Maybe that wasn't the best idea on my part, but I promise I was in no way trying to manipulate you or anything like that. I have been connected to both personas of me in a way no one else has and I just wanted to know if deep down some part of you...knew. Even if you didn't know?"

Lucy turned her head to face Adrien as he rested his forehead against hers. "I love you." He told her. "I have so much more love for you than I know what to do with, and the idea that there was even the slightest chance that you only loved a part of me...I just..."

"I'm sorry." Lucy whispered, rubbing her nose against his. "I love you too. Every part. Every version."

The pair closed the space between them, both sighing into their kiss. Adrien brought one hand up the back of Lucy's neck to deepen it, slowly pushing her back to the mattress and moving his body on top of hers. His kiss left her lips, moving to her jaw and down her neck. A content moan left Lucys lips as he made his way down to her collar bone. But before any more could happen, Adrien was startled by the loud blare of Lucy's alarm clock.

"Jesus." She cursed, slamming her hand down to turn of the blaring beeps before groaning in annoyance. "We need to get ready for school."

Get ready for school.

It was those words that made Adrien shoot up from her bed as if it was made of hot lava.

"Shit!" He said stumbling to put his pants on. "Shit! Shit! Shit!"

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