Chapter 10 True Justice

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Career day had arrived and Lucy sat somewhat anxiously in her seat as class began. Only a few parents had signed up to be a part of career day, and Lucy's mother had been one. She had told Lucy she would try an make it after her early morning class, but looking at the time on her phone, Lucy was afraid it might not happen. As of the past few weeks, Monica and Lucy had seen very little of one another. Her mother took her fathers departure with a heavy heart and seemed to be throwing herself into work to distract herself. Lucy was a supportive daughter. She understood that everyone had their own way of dealing with grief. Much like her mother, Lucy dealt with it by not dealing with it. Her mother kept busy with work and Lucy kept busy with school, and her friends. It was just easier not to think about it. That of course didn't mean Lucy didn't get a little lonely when she got home and her mother wasn't there, or if she was there but had already gone to bed. Career day was just a stupid excuse for them to be in the same room together. As Marinette and her father made their way to the front of the room, Lucy watched Adrien slip out of the class. It looked like she wasn't the only one hoping for a distant parent to arrive.

Adrien sighed as he ended his voice mail to his father. He really had hoped his father would have made the time to stop by. He supposed he wasn't surprised by this outcome but that didn't stop him from being disappointed. His attention was brought to a blonde woman in a blue sweater and black pencil skirt wondering down the hall with an unsure expression on her face. As soon as their eyes met Adrien knew exactly who she was. She was Lucy's mother. She smiled at him and made her way to his location.

"Adrien." She said making the boy look at her surprised. This was their first time meeting after all. Seeing his confusion the woman quickly apologized.

"Lucy has mentioned you before, and I've seen pictures of you. I'm Monica, Lucy's mother."

Adrien gave her a friendly smile and help out his hand which the woman politely took.

"It's nice to meet you Ms. Are you here for career day?"

"Please, call me Monica. And yes." She frowned a little looking in the window seeing the glum expression on Lucy's face. It was apparent her daughter had expected she wouldn't make it.

"Lucy and I haven't seen much of each other since..."

"Right." Adrien said. "I'm sorry for your loss, by the way." Monica gave him a sad smile before looking back through the window.

"Thank you. Anyway, I have been kind of throwing myself into work lately and now its like my daughter and I are just two ships passing in the night. That's why I felt compelled to make it to this thing. I knew it would mean a lot to her. I hate disappointing her." Monica looked at Adrien as he placed a hand on her arm with a warm smile.

"I'm sure she understands. Plus, you are making the effort to rectify it and I am positive she will be happy to see you." His smile faltered slightly causing Monica to tilt her head.

"Parent couldn't make it?" She asked. Adrien shook his head no.

"My father, like you also buried himself in his work after my mom left us. Unlike you, however, he doesn't seem to care about silly things such as showing up for career day." Adrien shrugged. "It's okay though. I know he is busy."

Monica frowned and placed a hand on Adrien's shoulder. For a moment she wondered when he mentioned his mom had left, if he meant physically or spiritually but she supposed in the end it didn't matter. She also did not like how sad Adrien looked over his father not being around. She hoped Lucy did not share his pain.

"Sweetheart, I'm so sorry, but know you are welcome at our place anytime. Lucy has spoken highly of you and I trust her judgment. I'm not always there for her the way I should be, the way I want to be. I'm sure she would love the company, as will you. Don't give up on your father just yet though alright? His own pain might be over powering his ability to see yours, but that doesn't mean he doesn't care." She then hugged him and Adrien for just a second thought he might cry. He had missed mom hugs.

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