Chapter 48 Wax on Wax off

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Before I forget, to the person who goes by the name of Mariah on Fanfiction and comments on the story. You asked if since Lucy and Adrien exchanged I love yous if they would start dating now. The answer is no. Those weren't romantic I love yous, they were just the kind you say to a person who you care deeply for. At least on Lucy's end. Adrien thought about clarifying, knowing Lucy didn't realize the depth of his words but chose against it. Hope that clears that up for ya!

Adrien sat at his piano playing away with Plagg when Nathalie knocked on his bedroom door. Plagg quickly hid away as Adrien turned to his father's assistant who asked if Adrien was ready to go. Currently, Adrien had a wax statue made of him at Grévin Wax Museum. Most of the statues are made from references but certain parts were cast from their direct source. In Adrien's case, that was his hands. Getting cast was a time-consuming and boring process, and thus the blonde boy looked asked Nathalie if he could bring a friend. For a moment, he considered asking Lucy but remembered that she had told him she had a painting gig today that took her out of the running. Instead, he called Nino.

The last time Adrien had gotten cast his friend had expressed how it would have been cool to tag along and keep him company. However, when Nino answered, it was apparent that he was a package deal with Alya, who then invited Marinette. Marinette tried to decline. She was babysitting. Luckily for Adrien, Nathalie had quite the soft spot for him and was able to make the accommodations so that his three friends, as well as Manon.

"Hi, Veronique." Adrien greeted the curator of the Museum as he and his friends got out of the car. She was a woman of average height with short brunette hair that whisped just above her shoulders. She wore glasses that reminded him of tiger stripes and a simple red dress that cut off just below the knee with matching shoes.

"Thanks for coming on such short notice, Adrien. I'm sorry, but a piece of your statue went missing yet again!" She leads the teens inside. "Just goes to show how popular you are."
Manon looked around in amazement. "Look Marinette, we get to go in, even though it's closed! It's like we're princesses." Marinette ignores the small girls words, too distracted by Adrien's presence. "Hey! Did you hear me?"

Behind them, Alya walks next to Nino and talks to him in a hushed tone. "Be careful this time, right? Marinette's the only one that's gotta spill the beans to Adrien— not us! So no matter what Adrien asks you, just deny. Okay?" Nino looks at his girlfriend and nods while sighing.

"Yeah, fine, but what about Lucy? You and I both know-"

"Adrien hasn't made any moves on Lucy so until he can admit to her that he likes her, nothing is set in stone," Alya argues. Nino holds his hands up in defeat.

"Okay, okay."
Manon runs ahead to the museum's lobby and spots a statue of Jagged Stone and his crocodile Fang. "Ahaha, wheee! Mr. Jagged! Can you give me an 'autygraph,' please?" The girl, not realizing it's a statue pouts. "Why isn't anyone paying attention to me today!?"

Veronique laughs. "That's because this isn't the real Jagged Stone. It's a wax statue of him. The Grévin Wax Museum is the kingdom of illusions!"

"Woah! But he looks for reals!" Manon says in awe before she makes silly at faces the statue, then runs off again.

"The museum opened in 1882. We have about 200 wax statues on exhibition at any one time." Veronique tells them as she leads everyone further into the museum. "We bring new celebrities in on a regular basis, the most recent one being Adrien!"

"So if I've got this right, you and Alya wanna spend some alone time together, yeah?" Adrien asks in reference to the odd car conversation that had happened on the way over when Alya had tried to secretly plan with Nino on ways to get Adrien and Marinette alone together. Nino thinks back on Alya's words about denying Adrien's every assumption.

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