Chapter 20 Picture Day Curse

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Sorry its been so fucking long, life ya know! Anyway I hope you enjoy!

Lucy sat with the Marinette and Alya on the concrete steps that led into the court yard of the school, while they waited to have their class photo taken. Marinette started gushing over the the fact that she would be in a photo with Adrien. Lucy shook her head and smiled.

"Mari, you have already been in a photo with Adrien, remember? I took one of all of us at the movies." Marinette gasped in realization.

"You're right! I don't think you ever sent that too me! Oh gosh wouldn't it be amazing if we got to stand next to one another in this one!"

"Hehe, oh girl just smile and whatever happens, don't forget to breathe!" Alya said with a grin. Behind them Julika sighed.

"At least you know you you're going to be in the photo." She said sadly. Rose tried to reassure her, telling the long haired girl that she was not jinxed and everything would work out.

"What do you mean jinxed?" Lucy asked, standing with her two friends. Julika went on to explain that every time someone tried to take a photo of her, something would always go wrong.

"Sweetie that happens to everyone sometimes. That why you take fifty of them so you can find the best one." Lucy explained with a smile. Julika gave her a weak smile back but clearly was not convinced.

"We'll do everything we can to make sure it goes right this time. Don't forget to smile!" Marinette confirmed, not wanting her friend to feel jinxed any longer.

When it was their class's turn, the photographer gestured for Max, Alix, Rose, Marinette, and Mylene to sit on the front row bench, being that they were all the shortest. Chloe of course had to poke at her peers.

"Look Sabrina, they're up front in the baby seats! Go on rugrats, don't forget to take your thumbs out of your mouths!" Lucy swatted Chloe's arm, giving her a small glare which the blue eyed blonde returned. Lucy didn't say anything but simply gave Chloe a pointed look which Chloe only rolled her eyes at before turning away with her arms crossed. The next to be called where the middle sized students, who considering there was a bench in the back, all went into the last row so that they taller students wouldn't be cut out the frame. The back row of students called ended up being Nathaniel, Alya, Sabrina, and Chloe.

" Wait just one minute!" Chloe protested. "I'm supposed to be in the middle row, right next to Adrien. Preferably the center. Look, we're the same size!" Chloe waved her hand over her and Adrien's head, only showing that they were definitely not the same size. The photographer was obviously unconvinced and told her she would be standing in the back.

"Do you know who my father is!?" Chloe asked, about to blow a gasket for not getting her way.

"Is he a photographer?" Vincent asked, only to receive an appalled look from the blonde.

"No! He's-"

"That's too bad, I could really use an assistant." Vincent replied with a sigh. "Now go stand over there, or I'll put you up front with the babies." He teased. Chloe huffed before making her way to the back row next to Sabrina. "Now the rest of you boys, go stand in the middle!" Ordered Vincent. Julika and Lucy watched as the Photographer went on about to take the photo. Lucy gaped at him.

"Really man?"

"Huh?" Vincent looked back over to see Lucy and Julika still standing off to the side. "Oh, my bad girls, lets see, you're both nice and tall, how about we squeeze you into the middle row, break up the boy band a bit, yes?"

Adrien smiled as Lucy stood beside him, with Julika on her left. He had to fight the itch he was having to hold her hand. Vincent looked through his camera and frowned. Something was putting the whole thing off for him, a big part of it seemed to be Ivan, who's height next to most made the picture look off balance.

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