riot van | jon moxley

Start from the beginning

all of a sudden, doll remembered why she was sucked into all these dumb and unwise decisions in the first place. even  though when she's all alone, she  prided herself on being smart and wise for her age (and rightfully so), not getting into as much confrontation as the other teenagers their age, she had one weakness: jon moxley. that man could take her to hell and back and she would probably love it, as long as he was with her, holding her hand or giving her his signature grin the whole time.

he had her wrapped around his finger, she realized, but it was too late to turn back now.

she needed to get out of the house and she needed to get out of the house fast, yet not taking her time exiting the old place and risking her parents hearing, waking up and catching her wasn't an option.

though she was nervous, she still took it step by step, pressing the toe of her shoes on the patch of wood, making sure it was going to be able to hold her weight without protesting too loudly, measuring how secure it was, before putting all of her weight on it.

the tap tap tapping on her window was getting more faint and she wasn't sure if it was because she was moving away from it or if it was because moxley was getting a little more tired (or couldn't find pebbles small enough to not disturb her parents' slumber when thrown against glass, which is the more likely option) but whatever the reason may be, she was thankful because as a result, her nerves and anxieties about getting caught have now settled down some, along with the fact that she was just getting closer and closer to the door.

after some time, she was finally able to reach the door. doll took one last glance behind her shoulder just to make sure that there was no one there, before grabbing the doorknob, still with the utmost care, twisting it and walking out the house.

the girl couldn't even let out a sigh of victory before an embarassingly high-pitched squeal was extracted out of her via moxley grabbing her from the front porch by her waist, knocking the air out of her lungs in a precious way, crushing her to his chest then just wiggling her back and forth in the cage that is his skinny arms. he breathed out a laugh as they halted and he buried his face in her hair, pressing a discreet kiss there. to anyone passing by as well to doll, it seemed to just be a friend putting his face into his smaller, shorter friend's hair, but doll couldn't see the way mox closed his eyes as he kissed the top of her head.

even though she was scared to death by mox grabbing her out of nowhere, her heart that was beating fast and the butterflies that were size of blue whales which fluttered in her stomach weren't because of simply getting surprised.

she hated being surprised but she could never stay mad at him.

once her mind has fully caught up with what just happened, she laughed with moxley breathlessly, not moving away from his embrace. she laid her head there for a few moments, hearing his heartbeat. it was a bit faster than how it usually was (she knows this as they platonically cuddle all the time and everytime doll would think of this, she tends to put extra emphasis on platonic for her sake). picking off nonexistent lint off of his matching black hoodie, she smiled as she looked up at him, the smile widening when he met her gaze as he looked down at her.

everybody says to not take a picture from a lower angle as it was unflattering but looking up at him right now, he couldn't look any more perfect she thought.

her moxley smile was plastered on his face as he kept his stare at hers. speaking up he says, "you ready for the ultimate doll and moxley date night?" and that signature moxley smile was soon replaced by his mischievous one, the one he usually wore when they were in public. the one everybody in town knew about.

oh no, please don't call it a date night but she didn't dare utter those words outloud, nor did she let her facial expressions change and show how much she was actually affected by those two simple words. he didn't need to know about her feelings for him, though he may or may not reciprocate them.

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