Chapter 15

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The next day at School:

Grace's POV:

I was at my locker talking with Kim and some of my other friends from the cheerleading team. it was more of them all talking and laughing and me just pretending to listen when in reality I was lost in thought. Since that night I had been avoiding Alex and Blake, him for Obvious reasons and her for others that night I practically kicked her out after she told me how she really felt and honestly I wasn't proud of what I did or even how I did it. it was our first day back and I really didn't want to deal with any of this.

"What do you say your in??" My friend Stacy asked snapping me out of my thoughts


"Girls night at mines?"

"Oh yeah sure"

"ok it's settled girls night it is you can invite whoever you want but they have to be a girl got it" she explained to me

"Ok" I simply said just then I looked over her shoulder and seen one of the people I was trying so desperately to avoid today luckily for me she was at her locker and hadn't noticed me yet just then some of the football team aka Blake's buddies and Blake came strutting up behind her my eyes went wide when he turned her around slamming her into the lockers everyone's eyes were now on them but I was frozen in place god why did this have to be happening now.

I watched as they argued and then that's when then Blake throw a punch almost landing it.

Alex's POV:

I walked down the halls alone me and Taylor still wasn't on speaking terms well she keeps trying to talk but I just shut her down so I guess you can say I wasn't on speaking terms. I took a couple of more steps and I was standing in front of my locker I then reached up to the lock turning it left then right then left again before hearing a clicking sound indicating that my locker was now unlocked. I reached in and put up my books from 2nd hour class as I wouldn't be needing them for 3rd I then closed my locker locking it back up till I heard the click but this time letting me know that my locker was now locked.

That's when I was suddenly  grabbed by my shirt and slammed against the locker by two strong hands.

"WHAT THE FUCK!-". I said as I looked up to meet the eyes of the person who has me Hamid up against my own damn locker.

"YOU FUCKING FREAK!" He yelled back as he tightened his grip on my shirt.

"You think it's cool to go around and mess with my girl you fucking disgusting lesbian"

"First off she's not your girl seeing as you cheated on her" I said to him loud but not loud enough that the people that was staring at us and standing by their lockers whispering could hear me. she may have rejected me but I'm not an ass I wouldn't want her to have to deal with that type of attention you know the whispering every time she walked in the room thing.

"I didn't cheat on her you freak you don't know what your talking about"

"Oh wow this is truly alarming your a cheater and a liar"  I said with a smirk on my face this dude don't strike fear in me and I won't give him that satisfaction of thinking he do. He looked at me rather pissed he then stepped back letting go of me. just as I thought he was done he then brought his fist back then forwards throwing a punch towards my way thinking quickly I dodged it tackling him to the ground. I sat on top of him and sent punch after punch towards his face that's when one of his buddies pulled me off throwing me into the lockers once again.

The dude then started hitting me he landed almost every shot I was only able to block a few. he tried hitting me again but I sent a punch of my own sending him stumbling backwards.
That's when Blake came in sending a punch to my stomach and another to my face causing me to land flat on my ass.

I wiped at my lip that was now bleeding  Blake and his buddies came walking towards me  no doubt ready to attack again.

Just then someone stepped in front of me before punching Blake so hard that I'm pretty sure I heard his nose break. that punch was enough to put Him in the same position as me I looked up to see no other then Taylor standing in front of me Blake's friends then came charging at Taylor she got ready to fight but just then everybody stopped when we heard a strong male voice booming through the halls.

"WHAT IS GOING ON HERE!" The man yelled causing everybody to look at him the man was no other then principal gray. He walked up scanning everyone taking in my bloody face and black eye and Blake's broken nose and bloody lip. He then looked around at the crowd of people recording and watching.

"If I count to 10 and all of you are still here and not in class I'll make sure you all have detention for the rest of the year" he threatened. That was enough to get everyone to start scurrying away trying not to tumble over each other. It didn't take long for the halls to be cleared.

He looked at the remainder of us still here "all of you to the nurses office and then to mine" he said in a angry but clam tone before stomping away.

Taylor then went to help me up these guys really did a number on me. She walked me to the Nurses office and when we arrived we waited in the waiting area to be called next as we wasn't the only ones in need of treatment.

"Hey Um I'm sorry I shouldn't have gotten in the middle of things with you and your dad" she said

"Thank you" I simply said ignoring what she said

"For what"

"For helping me"

"Alex I'm your best friend no matter how many arguments we have I will always have your back"  just then the nurse came out and called me.

I smiled at Taylor before giving her a light tap on shoulder and going with the nurse.

An hour later in the principals office:

I sat in the The principals office with Blake His buddies didn't get into any trouble which was no surprise to me. Taylor was let off with one weeks Detention and now I was here waiting on him to decide my fate as well as Blake's

Mr.Grey then ended a call with someone before turning towards us he glared at us. Well only me.

"What you did was unbelievable" he said only to me I looked at the fat white man confused

"Me!? No disrespect but I wasn't the only party engaged in this situation in fact he started it" I said pointing at Blake who sat In the chair some inches away from me smirking.

"Miss Andrews there's several eyewitnesses saying you started it"

"Who his stupid football buddies news flash they were in on it" I said standing up out of my seat in anger.

"Sit down Miss Andrews before this suspension turn into you being expelled" he threatened at this moment my blood was boiling but I did as he ordered.

"Now your suspension will last for 5 days" he said I rolled my eyes at the man he can't be serious right now. "And as for you Mr Wilder your free to go" he said. I wanted to get up and punch this man I can't believe he just let these idiots go without even so much of an detention.

"You two may now leave my office" he said shooing us out.

Blake thanked him making me want to punch him even more we got outside of the office and he turned to me.

"Stay away from Grace or next time it'll be worse then that" he said pointing at my black eye. He then walked away leaving me standing there alone. I rolled my eyes and went walking down the opposite direction he did. I turned the corner and bumped into Grace.

"Hey I was just coming to see you" she said I just rolled my eyes which I'm sure she seen as I wasn't trying to hide it.

"What do you want" I said rudely

"I-I-I was just-just coming to Um check on you" she stuttered out.

"I'm not in the mood for this right now I have to go" I said before walking off not even giving her a chance to say anything else.


End of chapter I actually think I did really good on this one😝

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