Chapter 9

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Alex's POV

It's been a little while and Grace still hasn't come back I started to get worried as this was a big party and bad things usually happen to drunken girls at party's speaking of that maybe it wasn't such a good idea for me to be drunk right now.

I searched around the kitchen and spotted the refrigerator I needed to get sobered up a bit I went over and opened the refrigerator luckily for me there was bottled water there I reached in the refrigerator and grabbed out 4 waters 3 for me and 1 for Grace when I find her of course. First I chugged Down two leaving me with one I grabbed both mine and Graces water and when on my search.

I pushed through the crowd asking some drunk teenagers along the way if they seen her but to my luck no one has I looked upstairs and even Searched the backyard but still nothing I was getting a little dizzy I needed to go somewhere less crowded so I walked out front that's when I heard what sounded like a girl crying I turned the corner and there she was Grace was sitting on the sidewalk with her arms wrapped around herself shivering from the cold night air.

I sat the bottles of water down on the sidewalk and quickly took my jacket off before wrapping it around her shoulders. I then sat down next to her and handed her a water.

"Here drink this" Grace grabbed the bottle and drink a little of the water that wasn't going to help at all maybe I should have gotten her 3 as well considering she did drink more then me tonight. After she sat the bottle down she then went back to sobbing. I quickly pulled her into me holding her tight. We stayed like this for an hour or so I ran my fingers through her hair as an attempt to try and calm her down at least enough for her to be able to tell me if she wants me to take her home.

"Hey how about we end this night and I take you home?" I questioned

"But- but what about Taylor and Kim?" She asked in between cry's

"Taylor can call them an Uber I'm sure they'll be fine" I said reassuring her

She nodded while pouting god she was so fucking cute. I then stood up and helped her up and started our journey to my car she couldn't really walk straight so she held on tightly to me for balance whatever happened left her heart broken i recognize that look anywhere because not too long ago the same look rested on my face. Just seeing her like this pissed me off whoever made her cry is going to regret it when I get an hold of them.

We got to my car and I unlocked the door then helped her in I leaned over her to buckle her in I felt her hand on my lower stomach almost like she was Tracing her fingers along my abs. I was sure she was unaware of what she was doing so I just brushed it off once I made sure she was all Secure in the passenger seat I then
shut the door and went around to the driver seat I opened the door and quickly got in buckling myself up as well.

The ride was silent and eventually she fell asleep in the car. I couldn't help but glance at her every few minutes she was gorgeous even with dried up tears running down her cheek and smeared makeup that in my opinion she never needed.

We got to her house and I pulled in the driveway she hadn't seem to had woken up yet so I decided I was going to carry her.

I got out of the car and went around to the passenger side I opened the door and grabbed her out Carrying her bridal style. I walked up to her door but the realization that I didn't have a key hit me.

"Hey Grace darling" I whispered softly

"Hm?" She said cuter then ever

"I need your key"

"It-its- in my pocket silly" she said softly I giggled and reached into her pocket to grab her key. Once I fished it out I then unlocked the door which was a struggle considering I had an whole human being in my arms.

We got in and I shut and locked the door behind us. I looked around god her house is big I'll never get use to seeing it.

I took her upstairs remembering where her room is from the last time I was here.
We got in her room and I laid her down on the bed before walking to her closet to find something she could change into once I did I then went back over to her with the t shirt and sweats.

I sat down on the the bed next to her feet and pulled her legs into my lap as I began taking her shoes off

She was still kind of out of it so I had no idea how she was going to change herself so I did it for her I pulled the dress off of her, her body was the exact definition of perfect with her silky smooth skin.

I would be lying if I said I didn't stare for a while. Come on get it together Alex this is not the time to be getting hard. I reminded myself and with that I quickly put the clothes on her.
I took her cover and pulled it up over her.

I wanted to steal a kiss but I knew it would be wrong of me to do so instead I placed a kiss on her forehead and whispered a goodnight.

I was about to walk out but she grabbed ahold of my hand.

"Stay....please" she mumbled out.

I hasted but remembered that I would have loved someone to be there for me when I was going through the same she was hurting and I wanted to do everything in my power to make that pain go away.

"Ok" i said before pulling off my shoes I walked to her closet and decided to borrow some clothes from her as I didn't have any with me I took off my clothes and changed into her grey sweats and a T-shirt that was a little small but still fit. When I looked up Grace was watching me while biting her bottom lip my face instantly turned red.

I walked over to get in bed with her I sat up with my head up against the head bored she watched me. Suddenly I felt an hand trilling up my leg I practically jumped out of my skin at the sudden touching. I looked over to she a drunken Grace smirking at me.

"Your so hot" she said slurring her words a bit my heart was on a rampage right now beating faster as she leaned in closer and closer. I knew I should have stopped her before our lips met but I just couldn't I was basically frozen in place. She then leaned in once more closing the gap between us as our lips locked I could smell the alcohol on her breath but I still couldn't stop I've wanted this for so long now.

I put an hand on the side of her neck as I kissed her and she kissed me back I put my all into a kiss that she wasn't even going to remember in the morning. My brain then finally started working again. What the hell am I doing this is wrong like so wrong.

I hurried up and pulled back backing away from the kiss she pouted.

"What's wrong" she slurred out

"I- we should got to sleep this isn't right I won't take advantage of you like this" I said almost busting out in tears but I kept it together.

"Oh ok will you hold me?" She asked softly

"Yeah sure lay down I'll cuddle you ok?"

"Ok" she then did as I said and I laid behind her wrapping my arms around her waist.

"I love you so much Blake" she said and there it was my heart was hurting it felt as if I had just been stabbed in it. This whole time she thought I was him the kiss , the touching, of course how could I have been so stupid she doesn't want me she never did.

I cleared my throat "Goodnight Grace" I whispered. As she drifted off to sleep.


Hey guy's I think I did pretty good on this one 😝

Shoot your shot Book 1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora