Chapter 3

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In the gym but Graces pov.....

Graces POV:

I walked to the gym excited to watch Alex practice I've always thought she was weird because of how she would always avoid talking to me and when she did talk to me she would stutter and even start sweating today I was surprised when she only stuttered once while talking to me.

I walked to the gym room with my best friend Kim by my side Kim was the only one that made it on time I had invited some others but their always a little late to things I just hope Alex won't mind.

"So let me get this right we're going to go watch that weird hottie right?" Kim asked

"yes that is correct" I replied blushing slightly at her A  knowledge-meant of the fact that she's hot. Kim must've seen it because she started smiling hard.

"Bestie do you also think this Alex is hot" she asked me speaking slowly while a smirk appeared on her face.

"I-I Um yeah she's pretty but anyone can see that plus I'm not gay" Kim opened her mouth to speak but Right as we got to the door the others arrived.

I sighed a breath of relief  yes Saved by my boyfriend I knew Kim would go back to the topic later but I was just happy it wasn't now.

"Hey babe" my boyfriend Blake said to me before kissing me on the lips

"Hey hot stuff" I said giggling

"So tell me why again are we going to go watch some low life play with a ball"

"She's not an low life and you shouldn't say things like that about people"

"Whatever you say"

I rolled my eyes and walked into the gym room We all took a seat on the bleachers. I then Scanned the room for Alex I spotted her on the court wow she is really good. Just then their coach blew the whistle.

"Alright team take five" he said

I looked out on the court to see Alex she was walking over but suddenly stopped and started walking towards the gym exit I was confused is she starting to avoid me again. I decided to call out to her maybe she just didn't see me.

"Hey! Alex" I called out to her she stood there for a few seconds before finally turning around with an smile on her face.

"Heyy you" she said kind of awkwardly

"Hey!! I hope you don't mind but I invited some friends to come watch as well"

"No I don't mind at all"


Blake then came over and put an arm around my shoulders

"Hey your that chick with the dick" he said

I looked at him in disbelief why did he have to say that I mean it's not like I didn't already know it's just that there was no need to draw attention to it.

"So do guys fuck you or do you fuck them" he said clearly making fun of her I don't get it why is he being an ass right now. Blake started laughing and so did  his friends

"I don't know I've only ever used it on your mom" Alex clapped back my eyes shot over to her I looked at her surprised. I looked back over at Blake to see that he was getting mad

"Watch it girly just because you got a dick like us don't mean you are one of us" he said making it sound like being a male is some kind of cult or something.

"Your right but one things for sure mines bigger" Grace said winking at me

I felt my face starting to heat up oh my gosh am I blushing?. I was I was literally blushing uncontrollably which was weird.

I looked back up to see that Blake had gotten in her face he was turning red with angrier I grabbed his hand but he didn't budge I was relieved to see that Alex friend had grabbed her because if a fight had broken out I don't think that I would've been able to stop it.

Blake then sat down next to me as the disappeared out of the gym I heard some yelling but couldn't make out what they were saying.


"Huh" he replied turning to me

"What is your problem"

"My problem!! She started it" he said like a 2 year old

I looked at him in disbelief I was sitting here the whole time and clearly he was the one who started it but I had decided to drop it

A couple of minutes later Alex came stomping back in looking even more pissed then she was when she left I was a little worried but I stayed silent a few seconds later Alex's friend came back in looking just as mad their coach blew the whistle indicating that Breaktime was over  all the girls then lined up before the coach blew the whistle again starting practice A few minutes in the coach blew the whistle again but this time to call Alex off the court I watched at they started to argue then Alex took off her jersey and threw it across the gym room floor.

Her teammates all looked sad and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't worried. I was going to run after her but Blake pulled me back down

"What a shit show am I right babe" I just ignored the words that was coming out of his mouth and stared at the gym room doors

Everyone had left the gym because they're practice was over for the day I went straight to my car after school and went straight home

"man what a weird day"

Shoot your shot Book 1Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora