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you felt darkness envelop you, the feeling was familiar but you couldn't remember the last time you were like this.

where were you? you slowly stood up, there was nothing but darkness around you. you walked for a while, but it was no use. you were trapped in a strange place and you didn't like it.

you got bored and you tried to remember things, it didn't really work. you felt like it was a dream but when you pinched yourself the only thing that changed was the slight pain shooting through your arm.

it was quite peaceful, despite the fact that you would usually not like being alone in the dark.


you were so shocked at the voice, you jumped slightly and almost tripped over your own feet. what the hell? you thought as you squinted your eyes at the bright light in front of you. it seemed to have appeared out of nowhere.

"hello?" you said, trying to make sure you weren't hallucinating.

your eyes adjusted to the light and you could see it was coming from a small room. the door was almost closed, curiosity got the best of you and you walked forwards, opening the strange door with symbols on it.

as soon as you touched the doorknob and before you could fully open it, everything was disappearing. you pushed your hand, you really wanted to know what was in the room before it went away, but all you could see was the faint outline of three people sitting in a small room.

you felt a sharp pain in your head but it left as soon as it came. you opened your eyes harshly, only to be met with a boring stone ceiling. you tried to sit up but your body was still sore, it took time to regenerate and respawn.

right, because you had died.

you couldn't believe it, your second life was gone just like that. now you felt unsafe, whatever happened you wouldn't respwan safely in your bed, who knows where you would end up. it saddened you, the comfort of still having two or one spare lives was gone forever.

you had no choice but to be left with your swimming thoughts as you waited for your body to recover.

what would you even do if it did? you had no idea how much time had passed, frankly you didn't know anything. who had won? where were the others? was techno okay?

technoblade. strangley he was the only person you wanted to see right now. you felt betrayed by everyone else, especially tommy and wilbur, whom you had trusted. they were supposed to be your friends. tommy was your brother.

yet he went behind your back to take back something that only caused problems.

your thoughts were interrupted as your door opened, surprising you and making your heart beat faster. you calmed down as soon as you saw who it was, you couldn't help but smile and feel relieved.

he was okay.

techno slowly walked to your bed and kneeled down, taking his mask off. you felt honored that he trusted you enough to take it off around you, you also preffered it that way since his face looked so pretty. you looked at him curiously, not saying a word since he clearly had something on his mind.

"y/n." he started, not being used to caring so much for someone, "you're okay."

you smiled weakly, you were kind of okay. you just wanted to run away from all the war and all the pain.

"hey techno." was all you managed to think of, you were so happy to see him. "you're okay too."

"i'm really sorry. i shouldn't have let you fight, i should have protected you, i should have been there-"

 彡 epiphany; technobladeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang