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six days had passed since tommy and wilbur's exile. you were getting along quite well, the ravine had plenty of iron and even diamonds, and you could make a small farm to grow wheat for bread in a small cave. your adventuring experiences had come in handy; you knew how to survive and efficient ways to get food.

the ravine had become quite homey. rich wooden stairs were built to walk up and down, and lanterns illuminated the place magnificently.

the only thing you were worried about was tommy and wilbur. the loss of l'manberg had obviously left its mark on both of them. tommy could barely sleep, which greatly affected his mental health. he wasn't patient, and he couldn't make any rational desicions. sometimes he randomly came up with crazy conspiracy theories, like how schlatt was actually an alien from outer space.

wilbur wasn't seemingly as bad, but he was also keeping most of his suffering to himself. he was almost slowly turning into a different person, and not a good one.

you were worried, to say the least. you were the only one who could still think properly and it had only been six days.

the moon was high up in the sky, while you were currently sitting on a tree while watching the sky. it was an old habit of yours, you loved looking at the clouds and seeing the sky's colour change. it made you feel free and you forgot about your problems temporarily. that was also another reason you decided to leave l'manberg, you weren't good at staying in a small place for too long, you needed to see the world and explore it. the limitless sky made you calm down.

as you were zoning out in your little tree, a strange noise caught your attention. it sounded like leaves silently rustling, suggesting that someone was watching you.

your suspicions were proven right the minute you jumped down the tree. the rustling noises grew louder and you could hear faint footsteps running away. so naturally, you followed in pursuit.

the chase seemed almost too easy- not a minute passed and you were already right behind the person, almost like they wanted you to catch up.

a loud thud followed as you grabbed their arm and you both fell to the floor. taking your chance, you tried to grab the culprit's other hand, but they were too fast to pull away. you stood up quickly and only then did you think, oh shit.

standing in front of you was none other than dream himself. his white smiley faced mask stared back at you under the moonlight. it was clear that he did it on purpose- you had never met dream before but stories were told to you by wilbur and tommy, so you knew that he was well trained, manipulative and smart.

if he ran at snail speed, it was on purpose.

but it was too late to turn back, you had fallen for his trap so you might as well say something to reduce the awkward tension.

"why are you here?" you asked, trying to sound confident, as if you could easily beat deam. i mean- of course you could! you're a bad bitch.

he didn't respond, which made you a bit pissed off. no one likes it when you're pissed off. "helloOo?? i'm talking to you, green blob!" you said louder, waving a hand in front of his face.

"i haven't seen you before." he finally said, mostly to himself.

this made you scoff. why did everyone have to tell you that? "yeah, ok. that still didn't answer my question. why are you spying on us?"

"i wasn't spying on you."

you faked the biggest laugh ever. "oh really?? my bad, i''ll just be on my way. sorry for the mix up!" you laughed again and pretended to be amused. you were not.

"why are you here? you weren't exiled." dream asked, basically ignoring your mental breakdown.

"that's not really your buisness..." you muttered, feeling like someone else was watching you. it made you nervous but you shrugged it off. "how about we come to agreement yeah? you leave us al-"

"y/n!" to your surprise, you were cut off by tommy shouting your name. "what the hell are you doing!?"

you calmed yourself and was about to explain the situation, but tommy came rushing at you. he looked very angry so you decided that now was not the best time. dream took this as his chance to disappear, after telling you you'd meet again (not like you wanted to see that weirdo again).

tommy unnecessarily grabbed your wrist and dragged you back home. you were still trying to process what the heck just happened so you kinda just trailed behind him. why was he so angry? he looked offended, hurt even.

once you reached the ravine again, tommy called wilbur to have a 'serious talk'. wilbur was curious but didn't say anything. silence hung in the air as you were beginning to think this was a joke- until tommy said something so bizarre you almost fell over.

"why would you betray us like that?"

"betray you? like what- i don't understand." you replied truthfully, grabbing the edge of the table in case you fell over.

"i heard you. you were going to make a deal with dream." he folded his arms and stared at you with a piercing gaze.

"a DEAL? what deal??"

"probably to lead him to us. why were you talking to him in the dark at night, only a few meters away from our camp? hmm??!"

you had to admit, when you put it like that it made you sound suspicious, but it was not true, you weren't telling dream the location of the hideout.

"i-i was just outside, and i heard a noise?" the pressure was making you sweat and stutter. these situations always got the best of you and you couldn't steady your breathing. "so i followed it... and it was dream"

"that doesn't sound very believable." wilbur spoke for the first time. you couldn't believe he was siding with tommy. just yesterday he had to explain why you "couldn't use an army of snow golemns to take l'manberg back" to tommy.

"you're seriously thinking that i would betray you?" you asked in disbelief.

"well, you haven't been the same since you came back..." tommy noted.

your heart sunk. they were really actually thinking that you were a traitor. your own brother and best friend. you felt tears prick your eyes.

"i came out all the way here and i wasn't even exiled! i only did it for you!" you shouted angrily.

this made wilbur and tommy get more defensive. "well maybe that's a lie, and you only can here so you would know where we are so you could tell dream!" he shouted back. "i mean, who would ever pick a dirty, cold ravine out in a forest over a comfortable bed in your home??"

home? he thought that home was a place to you?

a stray tear made its way down your face. you couldn't belive your ears. sure, tommy and wilbur had been losing sleep but you didn't think they were this crazy.


silence. you could see the gears turning in both their heads, but it was obvious that they were just "putting the pieces together".

"i think it's best if you leave." wilbur said quietly, but it hit you so hard.

your heart sank in an instant, the only people you had, the only ones you could trust and rely on were kicking you out of the home you made together. you didn't have anywhere to go, and there was no way you were going back to l'manberg after this.

sorrow turned to anger inside you. how dare they accuse you of such things after everything you did for them? the gifts you got from your journey, the years you looked after tommy after your parents were gone... maybe it was best if you left, or you might just murder them in your sleep.

you turned around and walked out of the room. before leaving, you said one more thing.

"when you find out i wasn't a traitor, don't come after me, i'll already be long gone."

next chapter techno pog

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