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you found tommy and niki first. niki was beyond happy to see you, she had been very worried about you and scolded wilbur countless times. you hugged her happily and truthfully admitted that you missed her too. it was nice, at least she cared about you. you still felt a bit hurt by the fact that wilbur had not even seemed to care that you were back.

tommy was so surprised to see you run up to niki that he completely froze. he just rubbed his eyes multiple times and asked techno if he saw you too. once you were done with niki he went up to you as quickly as he could.

"y/n-" he felt extremely guilty, tommy had been blaming himself entirely for your absence, even though it was wilbur who had given the final word. even tommy was surprised when wilbur told you to leave. "i am so sorry y/n. i know you have no reason to forgive me but I want you to know that i fully regret ever saying what i said. i'm so so sorry-"

before he could continue you embraced him. his words were honest and you felt like you couldn't stay mad at him, especially when he so obviously had regretted it. you also understood how much he had gone through and that his mind was not in the best place. he was still better than wilbur though.

"it's ok tommy. techno took care of me. i forgive you, now let's get this hecking country back!" you said, trying to cheer him up. he smiled with glistening eyes and thanked you multiple times. you had missed tommy.

"about that. there's a festival in two days, we need to prepare and you need to know what we've planned. i can tell you later if you like." he looked more serious now, you nodded.

you didn't know what to do so techno said he wanted to show you something he was working on. he sounded pretty happy about it which got you excited- what could it be? he lead you across the ravine to a larger door and you waited for him to open it and reveal his not so secret room.

when he finally opened it, your jaw dropped. you hadn't known what to expect but it was certainly not this. before you stood hundreds of down of freshly planted potatoes. for some reason it made you grin, you thought it was really cute. you also loved potatoes.

"wow." was all you could say as you stepped into the room and studied the rows filled with small green sprouts.

(i forgot what potatoes look like when theyre growing, help.)

"you don't think it's dumb?" techno's surprised voice came from next to you.

"no." you answered simply, then turned to look at him, "i love it."

your simple words made his stern expression change into one of admiration and happiness. you smiled back at him as he offered you a baked potato. you gladly ate it and it was really great. you never knew techno liked farming this much.

at that moment you felt absolutely sure that coming to pogtopia was the right decision. no matter how hard taking your country back would be, you would help everyone because it meant just as much to you as it did to your friends.

the rest of the day niki helped you settle down and you all had dinner together. they were like your family, and you were so glad to be back. wilbur was the only one not saying anything. he sat in silence, not making eye contact with anyone, like a ghost. you were concerned for him but niki had explained that they tried to talk to him multiple times, only to be shut down. no one really knew what was going on in his head.

you stayed close to techno all the time, just because he made you feel safe and having him around was comforting to you. the eventful day finally came to an end as you wondered back into your room.

"goodnight y/n." he said before leaving and closing the door behind him.

"night techno." you mumbled and took in the cold ravine walls.

would you be able to fall asleep? you weren't sure but you tried anyways, hoping that the answer would be yes.


i'm so sorry for not posting this chapter sooner! i haven't had too much time to work on the story lately :(

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