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you woke up feeling better than usual. it was surprising, especially since today you would be spying on people at the festival. according to techno it was safest for you to lay low with wilbur and tommy while the others actually attend the celebration. you were told directly by techno to stay hidden and unnoticed at all times. since you ran away with tommy and wilbur when they were exiled, you were considered a traitor among the people of manberg.

traitor, of course. you couldn't help but think that the real traitors were the people who supported schlatt, even after all the harm he did. how could they watch manberg crumble before their eyes?

no one spoke a lot on the way. mostly because you were paranoid of getting caught, multiple people said they had a bad feeling about this, so you decided to be extra careful. and well, no one had much to say.

when you arrived at the only tower left overlooking manberg, you had to part ways with the rest of the group. tommy and wilbur were the only ones staying with you. you felt sad suddenly, not wanting to let techno go, sensing that things wouldn't go quite the way you expected them to. although this was probably natural, you were just scared to lose the person who cared about you the most. your inner conflict was interrupted when someone nudged you.

"hey, you ok?" you looked up to see techno studying your face. was it that obvious when you zoned out?

"uh yeah... take care technoblade." you smiled slightly, hoping it would somewhat cheer him up. he nodded with the ghost of a smile forming on his lips.

you watched him leave before climbing up on the tower and pretending you weren't there, something you were good at. the festival soon began as more and more people started to arrive. you watched from afar, only rarely being interrupted by the whispers of the two boys beside you. you noticed tubbo talking to schlatt and hoped that everything would go right. you have always been someone who worried a lot, so that was probably why you were feeling so weird.

it was slow torture watching the celebration. your nerves were getting the best of you but tubbo hasn't even begun his speech. tommy tried to calm you down but it didn't work, and wilbur didn't seem to care or notice.

finally, after a long wait tubbo approached the stage with schlatt smirking smugly behind. you saw quackity and fundy, who were already on the stage too. tubbo cleared his throat and began his speech, which you could hear because of the microphone. everything was going well. schlatt looked satisfied with tubbo and nobody had any suspicions. you were worrying for no reason after all. you smiled to yourself and kept paying attention.

"... let the festival begin!" tubbo finished, throwing his hands in the air for dramatic affect. you chuckled at how convincing he looked.

unfortunately, things quickly took a turn for the worse. you couldn't hear schlatt but he ordered someone to trap tubbo right on the podium. he was instantly surrounded by blocks, leaving him no way to escape. your eyes widened and your heart started racing fast. you felt as if your heart stopped when your fears had started becoming reality.

schlatt knew. he knew that tubbo was a traitor. as he was saying something to the shoked audience, tommy was whispering curse words under his breath and wilbur looked bored. we're you the only one that felt like dying at the moment?

if it wasn't bad enough, techno suddenly appeared on stage. what the...? why was he holding a crossbow, and why was he talking to schlatt? was he... a traitor all along? time seemed to slow as technoblade stood there, waiting, but nobody told him to stop. your heart sank in an instant and you felt it physically break when techno stood in front of tubbo. you couldn't hear them but you could see how absolutely terrified tubbo was, and how technoblade seemed almost like a robot.

all you wanted to do was punch the shit out of schlatt, especially with his stupid smug smile. you were forced to watch the scene that was worse thing you had imagined, as techno pulled the trigger and shot tubbo with a huge array of fireworks. if that wasn't enough, he started breathing heavily, and turned to scan the crowd. without thinking, he began to shoot even more fireworks, causing the people to flee as fast as they could.

you watched the festival with horror, it was a huge mess and people were dying left to right, you desperately wanted to do something but any idea you had was too crazy and far fetched. you only noticed the wet tears streaming down your face when Tommy grabbed your arm.

"let's go." he said, but it wasn't a suggestion, it was an order. you agreed silently and wanted nothing more than to get out of there.

you sneakily nodded and followed after him, noticing that wilbur was already way ahead. you ran the entire way back, hoping to wake up at any moment, this was like a terrible nightmare that you would do anything to wake up from.

your mind was full of so many thoughts. were the citizens ok? was tubbo ok? were was he? why did techno act so heartless? what happened to him? why was wilbur acting so weird? who died? how did schlatt find out about tubbo?

nothing seemed to make sense. all you knew was that after this day nothing would ever be the same again. finally you realized that losing l'manberg would have worse consequences than you could ever imagine.


hope you guys are doing well! <3

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