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it all happened so fast. you were already so tired that you could barely keep up with the spinning turn of events. you were torn between sides, not knowing if you should help your brother, who betrayed and left you, or stick with techno, who cared for you, but was lost in the midst of the war. you had come to learn that he would lose his mind while fighting, often taking things too far but not being fully contious of his actions.

you had to admit that you were nowhere near as good as the others when it came to fighting. sure you knew how to use a sword in close combat but quick, rational desicion making was not your thing.

a loud, horrible shriek echoed from somewhere and you turned your head, only to be met with the sight of several hideous withers being summoned. oh no.

if that wasn't enough, you were suddenly harshly thrown to the side as a big explosion took place next to you. ears ringing and eyes barely open, you glanced up just enough to make out a huge grid with tnt falling from everywhere.

everyone was running, shouting, fighting and trying desperately to stop the withers but it was no use. you didn't want to leave techno behind, but there was no way you would survive for long in the middle of the battlefield. technoblade never dies, you thought. he can protect himself.

you started sprinting in his direction, you thought that it would be the best to get behind him and escape from there. you were on his side, you hoped he would know and let you pass.

just as you were getting more hopeful, tommy appeared out of nowhere and blocked your path.

"y/n! what are you doing? we have to kill the withers!" he shouted desperately, just enough to be heard over the continous explosions.

"now's not the time tommy. move out of my way." you growled.

"i-i can't... we have to stop techno before he destroys l'manberg!"

"ARE YOU INSANE? YOU USED HIM, YOU USED ME! look around you, you think you can save this??! where's wilbur huh? i don't see him fighting for his country! it's over, l'manberg was never meant to be." you shouted with rage, tears gathering in your eyes. he was your brother and he cared more about the country than you.

tommy winced at the last part, you didn't know that a traitor had once said something very similar. he wasn't ready to give up though. he was too attached to let go, l'manberg had been his everything for so long he couldn't imagine his life without it. it had blinded him from anything else, it was his only goal. l'manberg was his everything.

you were done however, it wasn't worth the lives of your friends. it was just a country after all, and now every second that passed brought more destruction to it than ever. even wilbur was gone, yet he seemed to be the most obsessed with l'manberg. you wished that tommy would come to his senses and realize the damage that the government had caused, you wanted him to do the right thing but he was so stubborn and clouded by his undying love for the country.

unfortunately, you didn't have time to waste. you weren't going to give him a big sister/brother/sibling talk in the middle of the battlefield, with tnt raining down and deadly withers killing anything that they saw.

"i'm going tommy.... good luck." you said before running past him while he was lost in thoughts. i need to stay alive.

your limbs were burnt and bruised from the explosions, you had some cuts and your ears were still ringing faintly. techno was so close, he was fighting someone but you couldn't tell who. they were on a higher platform, somewhat safe from the chaos in the middle.

there was no point in trying to save manberg, the damage had been done. it's better off this way, you thought. now your life was something you really wanted to keep.

your feet continuously hit the hard ground, pushing yourself further with every step. you were close to collapsing but you needed to get out. you had to.

"TECHNO!" you shouted, grasping his attention. you saw his head turn to you, he was no longer fighting since he had won the duel. you smiled slightly, his gaze bringing you some type of comfort and happiness.

you were so close.

then, everything went silent, as if your ears had suddenly stopped working. the only thing you felt was an immense amount of pain, shooting throughout your entire body. your whole vision was white, you couldn't see anything else.

it was hot. so hot that you felt your skin burning. you lost control over everything and just as fast as the pain came, it disappeared. the last thing you could hear was a faint voice shouting your name.

then, your life flashed before your eyes.


sorry if there are any typos!

a bit shorter than usual but the story is ending soon :)
and yes, you also have 3 canonic lives in this story

hopefully i can update and finish it before october 6

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