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the compass glimmered in the light as you carefully put it back in your backpack. it was your precious compass, the one that helped you get back home after adventuring. the compass made you smile, it would always lead you back to l'manberg if you ever needed it. (unless you were dumb enough to ever forget it, that would suck)

a knock on your door pulled you out of your thoughts. you had been packing your stuff in your room and forgot that the election results would be announced soon.

"y/n! come on! we're leaving soon." tommy shouted and you heard his loud footsteps fade away as he ran to someone else's room.

sighing, you swung your backpack around your shoulders and brushed the dust off your shirt and went outsode to wait for the others. niki was already waiting there, looking excited as ever.

"who do you think will win?" she asked, turning to you with a wide smile.

"i'm not sure... but I hope it'll be wilbur and tommy - or you and fundy. you're really the only people i know and trust." you replied thoughtfully.

tommy and wilbur's arrival interrupted your conversation, so you made your way to the center of l'manberg.

most people were already there, excitedly having conversations and occasionally glancing up at the stage. you scanned everyone - until your eyes met a mysterious figure. it was a tall man, dressed in a clean black suit. he had two horns, something that you have never seen before. you guessed, based on wilbur's description, that it was schlatt. his smug smile and posture was somewhat unsettling to you, there was something behind it that you couldn't quite understand. he's probably just cocky and thinks he already won, you thought.

as you were walking around aimlessly, being too anti-social to start any conversations, another unfamiliar figure caught your eye. only this time, the person was coming straight towards you. you internally panicked but then took a deep breath to calm down. it's just a person. a STRANGE person. a person you might have to talk t-

"ayyy mamacita! who are you? i haven't seen you around yet." you were met with a pair of brown eyes, which belonged to a certain tan skinned, beanie wearing individual.

you slightly cringed. who wears beanies in summer? it's literally 32 degrees.

"i'm y/n. you might have heard of me."

"y/n? as in tommy's sister?" you nodded, "damn, what a shame. i could have had a pretty lady by my side as president."

you felt the blood rush to your cheeks - was this guy really flirting with you? you were too socially awkward to flirt back, so you nervously laughed and said, "yeah, shame. are you quackity by any chance?"

he gasped and you swear you saw small sparks in his eyes. "you even know my name!"

(a/n: yes this is a techno fanfic. i just love quackity ok-)

someone grabbed your arm and started pulling you away. before you looked up to see who it was, you waved to quackity. "good luck!" he smiled cutely in return and ran off somewhere.

turns out that the event was starting in minutes, and tommy had come to lead you to your front row seat - cause you were so special. even though he was younger, he was also taller than you.

"we're about to start, you better sit down. I wouldn't want you to miss it when me and wilbur are elected." he said and looked proud.

you chuckled, "sure, whatever you say big man." you ruffled his hair before he zoomed up onto the stage - where the election was beginning.

(i don't actually know exactly what they say- and I don't want to make this boring so lets pretend they're now announcing who won.)

"with 9% of the votes- we have coconut 2020!" wilbur announced, gesturing towards fundy and niki. you clapped and smiled at niki, but inside you were dying of curiosity.

"in third place, we have schlatt 2020, with 16% of the votes!"

you sighed of relief, it felt like a ton of bricks had fallen off your shoulders. schlatt didn't pass your vibe check, and you didn't think he was the type of person you would want to rule your country. at least he wasn't going to be president.

"in second place... with 30% of the votes..." wilbur paused for dramatic effect. everyone was practically falling out of their seats. quackity was a nice person, but you weren't sure he would make rational desicions, he couldn't even concentrate for 5 minutes straight.

"... SWAG 2020!!" wilbur's voice was laced with happiness and relief. tommy jumped out of his seat and threw his fists in the air. you scoffed playfully but waited for wilbur to continue. at least he was still formal. just kidding, you didnt care. all you wanted to do was jump up and dance to shake it off. you would have totally done that if it wasnt for your social anxiety.

"and with a total of 45%, in first place... POG 2020!"

everyone in the crowd went wild. most if them were happy, laughing and shouting out of relief. you smiled as you watched tommy and wilbur, who were doing some sort of weird handshake. next to you, tubbo was practically falling out of his seat.

what you didn't notice, however, was that while everyone was celebrating, schlatt stood calmly in the corner, smiling to himself. he didn't even roll his eyes or frown.

you knew that something was wrong when someone went up to wilbur and handed him a paper. they exchanged a few words quietly, and seemingly no one noticed, except you. wilbur had a blank expression, it was so different than the smile that decorated his face only a minute ago.

he cleared his throat and stepped up to the microphone again. "may i have your attention please? it appears that something important was left out of these papers i was given," it was dead silent as he continued, "last night, schlatt 2020 and swag 2020 came to the mutual agreement of combining their parties and pooling their votes together..."

your heart sank. was that even allowed? it felt like all the stones that fell off your shoulder moments before were dumped back onto you, only ten times worse. only then did you notice schlatt, smirking in the back with his hands folded.

"... this means that the combined votes come out to be 46%, which is 1% more than pog 2020's votes. which means, the winners of the election are schlatt and quackity."

your eyes drifted to tommy. he looked like he had been stabbed in the chest. he was completely shoked, and you couldn't blame him. wilbur looked completely devastated, and you couldn't begin to imagine how he would be feeling at that moment.

as you stared at the two boys on the stage, you couldn't help but have a terrible gut feeling. things were going to change, and it wouldn't be for the better. l'manberg would never be the same.

 彡 epiphany; technobladeWhere stories live. Discover now