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as you made your way through the thick spruce forest, a familiar worn out path appeared. you grinned. it had been a few months since you had left l'manberg to travel the world, and you had no idea what awaited you back home. you were excited, to say the least.

the branches swung as you pushed them away to clear your way. most of all, you were excited to see your friends and your younger brother, tommy. it had been hard for him to accept that you were going to be gone for a while.

a few minutes passed and finally, the trees started getting smaller and smaller, until the big yellow and black wall was smiling at you from a few chunks away.

you smiled again, you had made it back home. you were going to see everyone and catch up with them.

you broke into a run as you approached the entrance to your home. it was unrealistic, yet wonderful. it was like nothing had changed. you loved this place with your whole heart.

the sun was high, signalling midday as you walked into l'manberg. it looked like everything was exactly as you left it, until you started noticing small posters plastered every now and then. they were colourful and grabbed your attention, so you went over to see what they were about.

to your surprise, the one you had picked up had a picture of wilbur, with the caption "vote wilbur for president - POG 2020".

you were confused as to why wilbur was on the poster- when you left, he had been the president. it was only fair, since technically it was his country. you shrugged and kept walking, surely tommy and wilbur would give you answers.

sure enough, when you approached the house you grew up in, you could hear loud voices. you buzzed with excitement- you were finally home and you were about to surprise everyone.

as soon as you kicked the door open (with so much force that it almost broke), the conversation died down faster than dream would have crafted a boat.

"surprise!" you shouted with your hands up.

everyone in the room (tommy, wilbur, niki and tubbo) jumped up and made their way over to you. tommy was the first to hug you, almost knocking you over.

"you're finally back!! i missed you so much!" he laughed, still holding onto you for dear life.

you ruffled his hair and smiled, "i missed you too you gremlin!"

next was tubbo, he was much more gentle and quieter than tommy, just like you remembered. his fluffy brown hair and slightly dirty green shirt was exactly the same.

you greeted niki next. she was trying hard not to cry- which made you tear up a bit. you didn't realise how much you actually missed everyone.

and lastly wilbur hugged you too, telling you that you had a lot to catch up on. "yeah, and i have some questions" you thought, remembering the strange posters.

"how was your journey? tell us everything!" niki said excitedly as you all sat down again. you smiled even wider, coming home had been much better than expected so far.

"it was really amazing- i saw so many things! there is so much out there. i found a jungle temple, i saved the villagers who were being raided, and i went through so many villages. i think i've been to every biome now." you explained. your enderchest was full of gifts you couldn't wait to give to your friends. you explained your most exciting adventures with as much detail as possible. everyone eagerly listened and tommy asked a lot of questions.

"now tell me- why are there posters all over l'manberg?" you asked as you finsihed explaining your part. now it was time to know what the others had been up to.

"will, i think you should explain that." niki hummed as she turned to wilbur, who nodded in response.

"as we've said, a lot had changed since you left. first of all, I didn't think it was fair that i was the president - i mean i was never even elected." he went on to explain how things took a turn for the worse as quackity, a l'manberg outsider, formed an opposing party with george. tommy and wilbur had been quite confident, even as two new parties emerged - coconut 2020 and schlatt 2020.

you couldn't believe your ears. never in a million years would you have guessed that this would happen. even though wilbur and tommy were obviously confident that they would win, you had your doubts. one of the reasons that they were having the election was because people weren't taking wilbur's orders as president seriously- so what guarantees that they will vote for him?

nevertheless you enjoyed the reunion a lot. you would find out the results of the election tomorrow anyways, and until then you could enjoy being back home. surely, the citizens of l'manberg would vote for tommy and wilbur.

but something deep down was telling you that the election wouldn't turn out as well as you thought...

 彡 epiphany; technobladeWhere stories live. Discover now