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snow. lots of snow.

you had no idea where you were. it had been at least a few hours since you ran away from pogtopia. to be honest you weren't sure, since you hadn't been paying attention to where you were going, and now you were lost.

it felt like the argument was all a dream, but the harsh reality hit you in a form of an ice spike. this was possibly one of the most dangerous biomes, and you weren't very familiar with it. the one time you were in a snowy mountains was only for an hour, close to the edge where you could still see some plains.

now, however, you were waist deep in snow, trying to find anywhere to stay as it was turning dark very fast. it wouldn't be very safe to wonder around at night. mobs, ice, holes covered with snow, it was all too risky. not to mention you were freezing to death with your thin clothing. you had a cloak on but it didn't help you- you were simply not used to travelling anywhere cold, because you hated it.

you tried to calm your panicked state to think rationally, but it was hard, as you were currently sinking in snow. you hadn't eaten or drank anything in hours, and you were so stiff from the cold that you could barely move. a warm spark of hope filled your heart as you thought you saw some form of light. a lantern in the distance, perhaps.

the last thing you remembered before passing out was pulling yourself on top of the snow. then everything went black.

for a while you were calm. the darkness engulfed you, and soon you felt well rested. this was confusing, but maybe everything had been just a bad dream after all. any minute now, you were going to wake up, and wilbur would say he won the election and everything would be fine.

slowly, and cautiously you opened your eyes. you were beginning to feel the tip of your fingers and even your some of your toes. the next thing you noticed was how warm it was- and that you were staring at a wooden ceiling. were you kidnapped? what happened?

gathering enough strenght, you turned your head to look around and take in your surroundings. it looked like a normal, cozy room. you were laying in a couch-like bed, with wooden furniture neatly lined up in the corner. this was definitely a guest room, due to the lack of decoration. or whoever found you had no interest in decorating. (that scared you)

you spotted a window, which allowed you to see snow gently falling outside, a great difference compared to yesterday's snowstorm. you were guessing it was yesterday, but you really had no idea how, when or why you got here.

the door opened suddenly, almost making you jump out of your bed from how spooked you were. hey, you could be in a haunted house for all you know. luckily, you weren't, because it wasn't a ghost that opened the door. it was someone who caught your attention straight away.

the stranger was tall, and dressed elegantly, like a part of a royal family. he had long, pink hair, which for some reason you really adored. you just wanted to touch his hair. he was also wearing a mask, but it was very different from dream's. his mask was pig-like, it was a deeper pink.

(we're going pretend this is the SAD-ist techno design because we all stan- both dream smp and sunsprite's eulogy <3)

you really wanted to know what was under his mask, your curiosity had always been very strong. most of all, you wanted to know how the stranger that saved you looked like.

"oh, sorry. i thought you were still asleep." he said, his voice was deep and monotone, you thought it matched well with his appearance.

"may i ask- why i am here?" you asked quietly. something about him made you feel intimidated.

his expression didn't change at all. it was neutral, and monotone, you couldn't tell what he was thinking.

"i found you out in the snow, and you were still alive so i decided i was feeling nice and didn't let you die. it was pretty dumb to take a nap on the snow, if you ask me." he shrugged casually.

"how long has it been?"

"about 18 hours."

"oh... thanks." you looked at your hands, that suddenly seemed like the most interesting thing in the world. "my name is y/n."

"technoblade, or techno for short." he replied. you managed to smile weakly at him before he left the room once again.

so his name was technoblade. interesting.

you had a strange feeling that you would be here for a while.


this was a shorter chapter to introduce techno. yay! finally, he's here. it only took me 5 chapters, can i get an applause?

sub 2 techno, nerds

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