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techno didn't expect it to happen. you were so close, almost in his reach as you were running towards him with hope filled eyes.

but then, without any warning the ground under you exploded loudly, sending bits of dirt flying everywhere. the first explosion only set off much much more, a chain reaction on tnt destroying everything that you once called l'manberg.

the noise was so loud that techno's ears were ringing, he couldnt hear anything. his mind was racing, his heart beating faster as he stood helplessly and watched as l'manberg slowly turned into a huge crater. the tnt had been set off by someone who wasn't present, it had been planned.

suddenly, it all clicked. technoblade had noticed that wilbur acting differently, but he thought it was the effect of losing something dear to him, and he was just going crazy. techno never considered that when wilbur once joked about blowing manberg up, that he was serious. wilbur had also been absent ever since schlatt was found dead in the van.

technoblade knew he should have played closer attention to this strange behaviour but it was too late now. be had watched you become a victim to the fall of l'manberg right before his eyes. his heart stung, worry washed over him and it was a new feeling.

he remembered that day you told him you still had two lives left, but his brain made up all kind of scenarios where you lost a life without knowing. what if you were gone? what if you were never coming back? his vision seemed to clear as pain shot through his chest. it wasn't the usual wound of a cut, it came from inside, like something was squeezing his heart.

the thought of losing you drove him over the edge, his breathing became more ragged and heavy. techno turned away from the mess in front of him, which he didn't care about anymore. none of it was worth it, in the end everyone would blame him for everything anyways.

he ran across the woods, faster than ever to reach the ravine that you had been staying at for so long now, planning on destroying manberg.

techno remembered the first days of his arrival, how tommy had looked up to him and though of him as their saviour. he thought of how he was so willing to help tommy because of how passionate he seemed about taking schlatt down, but that's all it was. he lied, he said that the government was the enemy, yet he was trying to take back his country all along.

none of that mattered anymore. the past is the past, technoblade wanted to focus on the future. there were so many things he realized he wanted to tell you, he wanted to take you to his favourite places and show you the world, he would do anything to make you happy and see your beautiful smile.

in that moment, he realized just how important you were to him. you had accidentally showed up in his life and changed if forever. you understood him like no one ever did, you were so patient and always so kind to everyone. you looked past people's flaws just so you could see the good in them. he loved that about you, he loved everything about you.

techno wanted to hold you close and he would be too broken if you were gone. he would blame and never forgive himself, for it was his fault for not sending you back to his house when you showed up in manberg. he should have never let you fight. it was too dangerous.

lord knows what he would do to wilbur if you didn't make it. that is, if someone else hadn't already taken their revenge.

his thoughts clouded his mind like a huge storm and it was hard to focus on anything. soon he reached the entrence of the ravine. without hesitating, techno ran down the long dark staircase to find your room.

memories flashed in his mind every time he saw the familiar walls of the hidden hideout, especially that one night when he took you to see the beautiful cave pond.

"what do you think?" he asked, his voice full of fondness.

"it's... it's beautiful." you managed to say, still studying the magical cave.

he held onto the thought of that day and finally found your room. he halted in front of the door, he was so worried that he didn't know what to think. he wanted to be optimistic but for once in his life he felt afraid.

afraid of losing you.



one more chapter left! ( /O_O)/

 彡 epiphany; technobladeWhere stories live. Discover now