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holy heck thank you so much for 1k reads??? i really hope are enjoying the story :)
love you!

four days. it had been four entire days and technoblade was nowhere to be seen. you felt like you were setting the world record for 'the shortest amount of time it took a person to go insane'. the worry you were feeling just kept adding up, it was starting to feel suffocating. you didn't know how much longer you could take it.

the only thing that could help you get your mind off techno was the preparations for the upcoming war. according to tommy, publicly executing tubbo had been the last straw, and now everyone was gathering materials for the biggest battle yet.

of course, you were no exception. if anything, you worked in all of your free time, making sure that everyone in pogtopia had the best armour, weapons and potions. unfortunately your expectations were too high, you had never been good at mining so your process was painfully slow. it didn't stop you from trying though. good things take time right?

as usual, you were getting ready to go into the mine and look for shiny blue gems. pickaxe, food, torches, a sword... what else did you need? the terrible arguing noise in the background was not helping at all. who was even shouting so loud at this time-

"-HOW NICE OF YOU TO ACTUALLY SHOW UP, AFTER WHAT YOU DID. YOU MUST BE SO BRAVE COMING BACK-" tommy's loud voice was echoing through the caves. your heart started beating faster at his words, hope bubbled up inside of you as you jumped up and ran to the door.

it didn't take long for you to reach the scene. the sight of a specific masked tall man made you smile honestly for the first time in a few days. not caring that tommy was currently shouting at him, you took your chance to run up to him and embrace him in a hug. tommy immediately stopped talking, and techno froze. it took a few seconds for him to register what you were doing, but once he snapped out of it he gently hugged you back.

at that moment you didn't really care that it might seem weird to hug him. techno made you feel safe and loved, you had missed him so much that it was starting to get physically painful, especially when the worry was literally eating you up.

after a while you pulled away, a huge smile evident on your face. tommy wasn't around anymore, you didn't know where he went but at the moment you didn't really care. techno's hands were bruised, his hair looked dirty and he looked overall worn out, but nothing really serious. he smiled back at you and it made your heart melt. he was genuinely surprised that you cared and missed him so much. techno felt like he didn't deserve you, in his eyes you were too sweet and precious.

"techno... i'm so glad you're finally here. i was so worried and-" you glanced back up at his mask and technoblade noticed the hurt in your eyes. it made his heart break to know that he caused you pain by being gone.

"no, i'm sorry y/n. i'm really sorry about everything." he replied sincerely and sadly.

"don't say sorry, it's schlatt's fault. he made you do it." you said firmly. it wasn't techno's fault at all. "you break easily under peer pressure and he knew that, he used you."

once again techno was surprised, no one had ever understood him yet here you were, he hadn't even told you but you knew. he found it hard to admit to himself just how much you meant to him, it scared him. what if schlatt found out and hurt you to get to him? the thought made him feel terrible. he would never want you to get hurt because of him.

"come on, let's get those bruises patched up." your calming voice snapped him out of his thoughts.

techno smiled softly at you before following you to fetch some bandages and such. you were about to hold his hand to wrap his arm in the cloth when he spoke.

"wait, let me show you something. you can do it there." he grabbed your hand gently and pulled you through the ravine, eventually going down a narrow pathway that you have never seen before. it was hidden in the shadows, which made it look like a simple crack in the wall. the stone of the ravine changed from a dull grey to a more vibrant blue.

eventually you reached the end of the thin pathway and entered a cave. it was beautiful, your jaw instantly dropped as you scanned the area. the floor was covered in a light moss, mixed with grass and some cute plants that you haven't seen before. vines hung from the walls and the ceiling, giving it a fairytail vibe. there was a willow tree close to the wall of the stone cave, it curved up and eventually bloomed into many small branches that hung over a small pond.

the water was crystal clear, the only things on it were lilly pads and some lotuses. never would you have imagined that this place existed, it seemed too breathtaking to be real. you looked at techno, who was secretly nervous about what you would think, although his face was expressionless as usual.

"what do you think?" he asked, his voice full of fondness.

"it's... it's beautiful." you managed to say, still studying the magical cave.

"i used to come here to think a lot. no one knows about it so i could enjoy the silence." he explained, walking near the water and sitting down.

only then did you remember that his hands were still holding yours, which caused your face to involuntarily heat up. it made you happy that he showed you this place, since it was like a safe spot for him.

you didn't notice at the time, but slowly and surely, he was opening up to you.

 彡 epiphany; technobladeWhere stories live. Discover now