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you almost forgot that you still had to treat his wounds but luckily you remembered as you looked at your hand full of bandages. you decided to sit next to techno and took his hand, wrapping the cloth around it gently. techno seemed unfazed, he was staring at the water, deep in thought.

you didn't know, but he was thinking about you; wondering why you were so nice to him, why you stuck with him after everything, trying to figure out why he cared about you more than anyone he had ever met. your soft, warm hands made him relax and forget about the upcoming war.

techno realized at that moment that you were someone he would always care about. your small actions of kindness, caring personality, beautiful smile, the way he could trust you like he trusted no one else, and loyalty was enough to make him head over heels for you. he couldn't deny it any longer.

you were so tired when you were done. all the sleep you had missed had finally caught up with you. the excitement of seeing techno had worn off, although the smile never left your lips. you both quietly stared at the water in a comfortable silence, no words were needed, you just felt comfortable and peaceful.

your eyes started to feel heavy and as much as you tried to stay awake, it didn't work. the whole cozy cave feeling was only adding to your will to doze off. before you knew it, your head was on techno's shoulder and you were sound asleep. he looked at you, a bit surprised but your sleeping frame made him smile to himself. he hesitantly put an arm around your shoulder and held your hand with the other, making it more comfortable for both you and him. techno secretly wished that the moment would never end.

you woke with a start, finding yourself laying on some soft grass. confused, you looked around, wondering were you were since there was no sunlight whatsoever. it was quite dark but the small lanterns hanging from the branches of the trees gave some lights. the first thing you noticed was techno, who looked like he was in a deep sleep. you noticed that your arms were on his torso, meaning they had been holding him before you woke up.

your face flushed at the realization and you quickly retracted them back to your sides. he wasn't wearing the mask. you studied his features once again, admiring them with no shame. you wanted to see it more often, but there was no way you would tell him that.

a few moments later he sat up just like you, somewhat scaring you with the sudden movement.

"oh- good morning." you weren't sure what time it was, or if it was morning at all but it felt like the right thing to say.

"good morning." techno looked tired but greeted back nevertheless.

you started slowly talking about meaningless things since none of you had the energy to stand up and go back to the others, but the conversations took a turn and you found yourself talking about deep subjects.

"i never asked, but... how many lives do you have left?" technoblade looked at you curiously, you appreciated his attention and felt comfortable.

"i still have two. when i was younger, my family's house burned down. tommy was the only one who wasn't home at that time so he didn't get hurt. my mom lost her last life in that fire." you said sadly, remembering the fire that tore your family apart. "what about you?"

"i'm sorry to hear about your mother, i think she would be proud right now, she raised a strong and independant daughter." he replied, the ghost of a smile on his face, "i have all three lives."

"talking about lives... i hope we win the war. if all of our efforts turn out go be in vain, i don't know what i would do with myself. we need to take schlatt down. for the sake of our sanity." you looked up at techno and felt relieved when he didn't disagree with you.

"actually, i have something to show everyone. since we're going to battle soon, i made some preparations." he stood up and you followed him back to the familiar ravine.

it didn't take long to gather everyone. they all followed techno, you included. quackity asked you if you knew where this was going but you simply shrugged. he looked somewhat excited- you couldn't blame him. although you saw that not everyone was as happy about this as you two, tommy looked... scared? tubbo was definitely anxious and wilbur had a deep frown on his face.

after a few mysterious corridors and staircases, you arrived at a simple spruce trapdoor on the floor. without a word, techno climbed down. niki looked at you, as if making sure this was ok. you nodded, following her and climbing down.

"welcome to the vault." techno grinned and lifted his arms, turning your attention to the huge double chests on the walls.

"woah." was all you could muster as you stood in one place, glancing around the room. armour stands were stacked with netherite armour, enchanted with the best protection.

one by one everyone arrived, gasps and excited shouts could be heard from all around. you followed quackity to the chests and peeked inside, finding anything that you could ever need for war. potions, arrows, weapons, armour, food, gapples, tnt, everything. it was amazing.

you looked over to techno to find him gazing at you and your eyes met. you smiled wide and he could tell how much this meant to you. to him it was instantly worth it, all his hard work and hours of mining had been worth it.

"let's take down that son of a bitch!" quackity yelled, referring to schlatt.
for some unknown reason you felt happy at the moment, you laughed along with quackity and raised your sword. you knew taking l'manberg back would not be easy. but for the first time you felt like you had a chance.


unedited, sorry for any typos!

 彡 epiphany; technobladeWhere stories live. Discover now