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just a heads up: the pogtopia vs manberg era is quite detailed and long, but i will be focusing on the main plot so i might leave some things out. if i get some things wrong then we're going to pretend it's changed for my own storyline.

"i came after you." you said, beginning to feel not only techno's, but wilbur's eyes on you. you didn't like the feeling.

"y/n... i didn't tell you where i was going for a reason. it was dumb of you to come here! it's dangerous and i can't always protect you here!" his voice was louder than usual, which caused you to look down. you hated when people shouted at you or accused you of things you didn't do. *cough* wilbur and tommy *cough*

"i can protect myself!" you said, not daring to look up at him. your joy vanished and was replaced with sadness and even anger, but you didn't dare take it out on techno. he seemed different now, he wasn't empathetic and kind, he was angry and worried. you didn't know that he worried about you.

"then why did i have to take care of you after you almost froze to death?" he questioned. you felt like his words stabbed through your chest, you didn't know why. did he not trust you? you had lived in pogtopia before running away. so why was it a problem now? "you shouldn't be here." he added.

"yes, i should." you suddenly stated louder, and you glanced up and met his gaze. "l'manberg used to be my home, i grew up there. i want to fight for it as much as everyone else here. everyone i care about is here and you expect me to stay at your house and wait for you to return? if anything, you should have told me about coming here. do you know how worried i was? i woke up and you were nowhere to be seen. do you know how that made me feel?"

(pop off queen-)

techno was once again taken aback by your words, he didn't know how to answer. he didn't think you cared about him this much. techno didn't tell you because he didn't want to put you in danger, so it came as a surprise to him when you showed up. you on the other hand, were not going to sit around and wait for everyone to fight your battles. techno needed to know that you had his back.

wilbur silently stood and watched your interactions. he did not expect you to show up at all, it was the last thing he would have guessed to happen. he also didn't know that you and techno were friends. the silence in the room started to annoy him so he spoke up.

"y/n." he said, not thinking ahead, he just wanted to see that you were real and that he wasn't dreaming. his mental state had gotten significantly worse ever since you left, especially when dream showed up and asked where you were. wilbur and tommy had thought that you stayed with dream but dream had no idea why they would come up with that. so they had been wrong. you weren't a traitor, but it was way too late, it had been days since you disappeared and no one knew anything of your whereabouts. "welcome back y/n."

this surprised you, you didn't know what to expect from wilbur but he seemed so far away- like he was always thinking about something else. it hadn't been that bad when you left.

"yeah..." you replied quietly. was this his way of saying sorry? in your opinion it had been quite a shitty apology.

"i'll talk to you later techno" wilbur added before leaving the room. you rolled your eyes and now it was clear to you that this wasn't the wilbur you were once best friends with. even his clothes were different- almost a symbolization of his new personality, which you did not like.

so now it was just you and technoblade. you turned back and looked up to him, he was studying you, trying to figure out what to say. it wasn't like him to be at loss for words, he didn't speak much, although he always knew exactly what to say when he did. but techno didn't have to, because you spoke first.

"techno... you need to trust me. i came to help, i care about you. i'd much rather be here with you than be safe at home."

he didn't respond for a while, your words had affected him quite much. he had no idea how to express appreciation or affection so he just didn't ever do it, but now he was trying to come up with a way to say thank you.

you gently reached for his hand, which he pulled away by reflex but relaxed once you took it in yours. you smiled at him and lightly squeezed his hand. "come on, let's go find the others."

he didn't protest as he let you lead him out of the room into the ravine. together you decided to look for tommy and the others, never letting go of each other's hands. technoblade made a mental note to never let anyone know how much you meant to him. you could easily be used as leverage and he would do anything for you.


small filler (?) chapter because i am going to be busy next week, i'll try and update evry day like usual but i can't promise -

anyone else excited after the beeduo meetup?

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