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after that awkward moment you both ate something and it started to get dark outside. you had noticed that techno would always read before you went to sleep, so you decided to do the same. he was already sitting on the couch when you finished cleaning your dishes. he didn't look up when you entered the room, which came as no surprise to you. you hated being bothered while reading.

("y/n, go and wash the dishes!"- ok sorry i'm not funny)

you felt a wave of tiredness wash over you as you grabbed the art of war but ignored it. you walked over to techno and sat down next to hm with the book already opened. he definitely noticed but didn't say anything. you smiled and moved a tiny bit closer to him, before beginning to read. if he didn't tell you to go away that was already a win for you.

techno would sometimes glance over to you to make sure you were ok. he didn't know why he was doing it, but somehow he felt the need to protect you all the time. it was a strange feeling to him. some time passed and techno felt something heavy on his shoulder. he glanced over at you only to see you sound asleep on his shoulder. an unfamiliar feeling of happiness made its way to his heart. techno gently placed his cape over your sleeping figure and placed an arm around you. it was comfortable. techno felt peaceful. he felt bad for not telling you where he was going to go soon, but it was for your own safety.


when you woke up in the morning, you had no idea where you were. usually you were greeted with the familiar spruce ceiling but today it was different. you sat up and realized you fell asleep in the living room. you also noticed techno's long cape draped over your body, acting as a blanket. you glanced around once more.

where was techno? last night he had been reading next to you. he probably went to collect food. or maybe he's sleeping upstairs. you didn't worry too much as you got up and ate something. time passed ever so slowly without technoblade. you were bored so you decided to look around the house, hoping you would find him somewhere. usually he would be home at this time, you started to feel uneasy. first you checked outside, then downstairs, and eventually you went up the stairs. you had never been in the other rooms, and you didn't want to invade techno's privacy but now you were extremely worried. he often told you when he was leaving and returned soon. it was now past midday and still, he was nowhere to be seen.

you sighed and walked up to the door in front of your room. after knocking twice and getting no response, you gently opened the door and looked inside. no techno. it was just a simple room with a bed and some furniture, quite like the guest room you were staying in.

next you hurried over to the last room. you knocked again, but no response. thankfully the door was unlocked. when you stepped inside, you noticed how much personality the room had. there was a large desk in front of a window with quills and papers placed neatly on top. your curiosity got the best of you when you walked towards the table. there was also a pile of letters peeking out of a drawer under the table. strange, you thought.

you were about to turn around and hopelessly give up when a certain letter caught your eye. it was slightly scrunched up but something about the look of it sent a wave of nostalgia over you. the paper was under the desk, hanging out of the bin. carefully, you kneeled down and grabbed it.

were you snooping? yes. were you desperate? yes. should you be reading a letter someone sent to techno? probably not. but who cares, he'll never know, right?

as you read the letter your eyes widened. it was from tommy. your brother. several questions instantly flooded your mind. why would he write to techno? how does he know techno? why didn't techno tell you? you felt hurt, and somewhat betrayed. your own friends kicked you out of pogtopia and now they were asking for techno for help. and techno knew that pogtopia was where tommy and wilbur were. you knew right away he had gone to help them. anger, sadness and confusion were some of the many emotions you were feeling at the moment.

without thinking any longer, you ran into your room and grabbed your bag. you desperately searched in it for a specific object- which you eventually found. it was your compass. it had been in your bag ever since you ran away. now you were determined to go back. you refused to be alone while techno was out there, as well as tommy and wilbur... but you were mostly worried about technoblade. sure, you trusted him and knew very well that he could protect himself but you felt wrong not being there by his side.

in a few minutes you were already heading out the door with everything packed. you thought back to a month ago, when you were like a wounded animal, angry and hurt, running away from pogtopia. now you were going to show them that they were wrong for ever accusing you, and messing with your friends.


my dad: *comes in my room*
my dad: what are you writing?
me: uhh... a story...
my dad: when can i read it? you've been writing a lot lately
me: ... well-
my dad: ...
me: uh... i dunno...

haha sorry you can't read it, you'd be concerned that i simp over 23 different people and write a bunch of fanfiction in my free time while i have no social life.

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