Chapter 35- locked in a Snow Globe

Start from the beginning

"Bonjour," the old lady greeted as she pulled Hermione into a warm, tight embrace. The atmosphere grew lighter.

"Bonjour," Hermione greeted in reply.

"vous avez grandi! *you have grown*," the lady exclaimed in excitement. She pulled away from Hermione looking her up and down. The old lady finally seemed to register how uncomfortable Hermione was growing. She chuckled.

"excusez-moi, j'oublie que je ne t'ai pas vu depuis que vous étiez un enfant. vous n'avez probablement pas de moi, oui?*Excuse me, i forget that i have not seen you since you were a child. You probably don't remember me, yes?*" The old lady asked.

"Ah...oui," Hermione said embarrassed. She knew she should have remembered this warm, sweet, old lady, but her memory wasn't working correctly as of lately.

"ne soyez pas enfant de manière embarrassée. Je suis Louise Benoit. *Dont be embarrassed child. I am Louise Benoit.*" the lady introduced herself. Hermione's ears perked up at her name.

"Madame Benoit?" Hermione asked her to make sure she heard the name right.

"Oui," Louise replied with a smile.

Hermione slowly began to remember who this old woman was. And suddenly it hit her like a ton of blocks.

"Madame Benoit!" She exclaimed and wrapped the old lady in her arms once more, finally realizing who Louise was. She mentally scolded herself, how could she forget? She felt the lady laugh beneath her.

"vous souvenez de moi maintenant?*you remember me now?*" Louise asked.

"Oui, Oui!" Mione replied enthusiastically. Finally she let go of old woman who was practically a grandmother to her.

When she used to come to Paris with her parents during the summer and occasional winters, they had stayed at a family operated local hotel. The Benoit family had owned it and Hermione and her parents grew quite close to them over the course of several years. Hermione couldn't believe how daft she was to as not have remembered this sweet old lady. She was practically in tears as her memories began to resurface. This very woman was the one who taught Hermione how to cook a proper and exquisite Ratatouille. She actually taught Hermione how to cook, if it wasn't for her Hermione would've still been burning toast.

Hermione felt completely Idiotic. She now had on a real smile and was high with enthusiasm. However as she peered longer at the old lady, she registered how old Louise truly had grown. Looking at her, Mione could see why she didn't recognize her at first. The last time Hermione had seen Louise, she still had blonde hair, less wrinkles, and seemed so young and full of life although she was sixty-one. But that was well over nine years ago. And in the course of less than a decade Louise had aged tremendously. The only thing that didn't change was the spark in her eyes and the warmth that she emitted.

Louise took in the other people that stood behind Hermione. Harry had a smile but was a tad confused. Theo looked around and held his tummy as if the stomach pains from not eating were torturous. Draco stood in the corner, looking out the window, ignoring everyone. The few other customers that were in the room sat and ate their delicious meals. Not paying much attention to the newcomers and scene before them.

"Who are your lovely friends?" Louise asked switching to English, her voice thick with her accent.

Hermione blushed. She completely forgot that they were even here with her. She looked to her left and saw Harry and Theo.

"This is Harry and Theo," Hermione introduced the two boys. Both greeted Louise kindly.

Theo however could smell the food in the air and his mouth was watering. He eyed the food near him and glared enviously at the people eating it.

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