Chapter 26- "Your boyfriend"

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She doesn't remember me, I thought I would actually be able to face the fact that she isn't going to remember me but I can't

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She doesn't remember me, I thought I would actually be able to face the fact that she isn't going to remember me but I can't. I mean I took a whole year figuring out how I will face her when she finally wakes up but I couldn't even speak when she looked at me.

When she looked at me...

My heart almost stopped when her beautiful eyes met mine, my breathing stopped for a split second and I almost saw the same love I used to see in them before but her words broke my heart in an unimaginable way "I'm sorry I can't recall"

I needed air because it hurts like a bitch when the person you love doesn't remember you or what you shared.

One thing I am certain of is I wont give up on her no matter what. I will make her remember me, I will make sure to fill her heart and mind with new memories too.

After a couple minutes of contemplating what to say to her or how to tell her she's my world, I finally walked back in with slow steps down the dark hallway.

I opened the door to see her in Triton's arms, crying.

I slowly walked to them and that's when her eyes met mine..her beautiful orbs that you can distinguish even in the dark.

I just wanted to hold her and kiss her and tell her how much I miss her and how much I love her.

But I felt speechless all of a sudden, it's like all the times I spent outside practicing how to talk her, went in vain.

Until her soft raspy voice pulled me out of my daze.

"Hi" she smiles warmly and my first thought was that Triton told her who I was. That explains why she must be crying.

"Hi, I'm Eric Salvador, you're..."  I couldn't get the words out. She smiles telling me I don't need to.

A small laugh left as she attempted to climb down the bed.

I rushed to help her sit up and now that I was close to her I can see how much weight she's lost.

Her face was pale and she had growing bags under her eyes but she still looked like an angel. Her hair has grown surprisingly longer and her hands trembled as she raises them to touch my face.

I miss her touch so fucking bad!

"Why can't I remember! Every time I try to remember, my head hurts and it gets blurry" I cry as I hug Triton

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"Why can't I remember! Every time I try to remember, my head hurts and it gets blurry" I cry as I hug Triton.

"Don't force it bubbles. It's okay" he rubs my back

The door opened slowly and Eric walked in with a sad look and even though I can't remember him, I want to be in his arms.

"Hi" I say. My voice raspy

"Hi, I'm Eric Salvador, you're.." he smiles but he hesitated saying the last part.

I just want to go to him and tell him I'm sorry for not remembering him. So I attempted to get up but I stumbled but he rushed to me before Triton could.

I looked up to see a worried expression on his face but I focus more on his very familiar features and his beautiful gray eyes looking down at mine. I weakly raise my hand to touch his face and he leans agains my touch and kissed my cold palm and my heart skipped a beat at his actions.

The moment was interrupted by the doctor clearing her throat with an apologetic smile "I'm really sorry but Miss Stacy needs to go through a few tests and then she can get discharged in a few days. Proper precautions" she explains and the beautiful girl from earlier walked in with a small smile.

Memories flashed in my head and then it went black.

"I'm so sorry, I've been waiting for you since yesterday! You're fucking gorgeous!"

"You kissed a stranger!!"

"The most nexflix romance thing ever"

"Girl with your fat ass"

"Do I look okay, is my ass pucked up in these jeans?"

"Give him a chance"

"How are you so thick again? Cause you barely eat anything"

"They have Kate!"

"Let's go find my best friend"

"You promised"

My eyes bolted open but I closed it immediately due to the bright light in the room.

I looked around to see I was in a different room than earlier, this was a lot cozier and spacious and a nurse ran to me "Miss Stacy, are you feeling okay?" She asked concerned as she presses a bottom on the wall.


"Everyone's outside, they've been here since you passed out 3 hours ago" she explained.

"Where's Kate?" I tried to get up and the nurse helped me sit up from the bed making me groan from the pounding of my head.

"I'll go get her" she scurried outside before not just Kate, but half of the mafia whose faces I remember but some I couldn't recognize, flooded inside the room.

A small smile made it's way to my face before finally spotting Kate...


She ran and wrapped her arms around me, sobbing.

"You remember me!" She laughed between her sobs.

"I do!" I hug her tighter and let out a breath before I quickly took one in when a pair of gray eyes locked with mine.

I let go of Kate, still looking at Eric when he walked up to me and sat where Kate was just sitting.

The next words came out husky "you promised" as I just stare at his now widened eyes and slightly opened mouth.

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